Chapter 318 There Is Nothing Between Us

"Contact my lawyers to deal with them," Terrence said coldly. "Their methods are too boring, and I don't want to waste my time on them."

"Yes, Mr. Ramsey."

Terrence's face was gloomy. His only wish now was to save Alexa and get her back.

When Terrence returned to his office in a daze, he immediately saw Damarion, who was being carried by Yareli.

"Mr. Ramsey, have you finished your work?"


Terrence instantly revealed a smile, and his cold expression disappeared.

Terrence took Damarion into his arms, and the exhaustion in his body seemed to have instantly vanished.

"Damar, did you miss me?"

"Yes." Damarion grasped Terrence's collar firmly. "I don't want daddy to go..."

"I will come to accompany you after I'm done with work."

"I want mommy."

Hearing Damarion's tender and innocent voice, Terrence suddenly felt very sorry for Damarion.

Terrence was about to say something, but Yareli spoke first.

"Mr. Ramsey, before you came back, Mr. Damarion asked me to call Mrs.

Ramsey several times with my phone."

"Mrs. Ramsey suddenly left, and Mr. Damarion was the most hurt one. He is still a kid..."

Yareli could not bear it, and her eyes turned red as she spoke.

Terrence said, "Damarion, your mommy has something to do during this period of time. I will spend more time accompanying you."

Terrence was not very good at coaxing children, so he could only try to soften his voice and patiently explain this matter to Damarion.

Damarion did not cry or make a fuss. He just quietly leaned his head against Terrence's shoulder.

Damarion's voice was muffled.

He asked, "When will mommy come back?"

"Soon," Terrence replied in a natural tone. "Perhaps tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow..."

After Damarion heard Terrence's answer, his eyes clearly lit up with a trace of anticipation in them.

Although Damarion still could not quite understand the meaning of

separation, he could understand the concept of time.

Damarion thought that tomorrow should be coming soon.

Terrence didn't want to break Damarion's expectations, so he could only tell this white lie to Damarion.

Not long after, Aron appeared at the Hudson Group building.

Aron saw Terrence sitting at the table with Damarion in

was stunned. After three seconds, Aron

"Kaff kaff... Terrence."

Aron coughed lightly.

he said in a teasing tone, "You're quite skilled at being

He only shot


Damarion saw Aron, he immediately climbed up the table as if

Damarion. He just

Damarion would

forward to protect Damarion.

very cute and good-looking. Aron

eyes might attract many girls in the

is really cute. Can you lend him to me to

days?" Aron

Aron finished speaking, Terrence

without hesitation.


Aron was speechless.

very happy, and Terrence's expression softened

asked Aron, "How is the

action, of course, I found

Aron finished speaking, he placed a folder on Terrence's

"It's all in here."

immediately took out a document from inside

carefully read it.

explained, "Derick and Jovan are half-brothers. According to the previous servants of the Clough family, the relationship between Derick

never been

Aron paused.

even personally sent Derick

mother?" Terrence could not

even confessed to this."

said, "But in fact, Derick was framed. The

is related to

there are always people who die

tongue. "Jovan is a madman. He can do

and power."

the evidence. Is this why he was

Derick is missing again. Jovan

Group to completely clear his

family were a group of capitalists who

lost their conscience.

wrong. "But why did the Duran Group choose Jovan? Is the Duran Group doing some

that Terrence had

felt that there were still


was about to say something. However, he suddenly felt dizzy and

last moment when Terrence's sight turned dark,

hugged Damarion tightly.


found that

the hospital.

steaming vegetable soup on the bedside

also a bunch of

even felt like Alexa

there were only a few servants


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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