Chapter 369 Unhappy Marriage

"I don't think his surname is a problem for me."

Terrence served the last dish on the table.

"Damar is our child, so I don't care what his surname is." Terrence paused, and then slowly explained, "I do not agree with the concept that children must use their father's surname. This is extremely unfair to their mother."

Alexa said, "I thought you would mind."

"I don't care about the opinions of outsiders. It's nothing," Terrence said lightly.

They had a good meal. Alexa kept smiling, and the smile on her face never disappeared.

Hudson Group would hold a shareholder meeting tomorrow. Alexa didn't allow Terrence to stay up late and forced him to go to bed early.

"Are you worried about me?"

He grabbed her hand and pressed it on his chest. Alexa felt his steady heartbeat, and she calmed down.

"I'm not worried. I believe in you. There will be no problem," Alexa said in a relaxed tone.

Terrence chuckled and gently kissed Alexa's hair.

On the second day, many people showed up in Hudson Group.

Rayan had indeed called over all the major shareholders. He looked confident.

When Terrence entered the meeting room, someone immediately said something.

"Mr. Ramsey, what do you think about the suggestion of the general shareholders meeting?"

"What is it?"

Terrence replied calmly and casually pulled a chair over to sit down.

"You are the president of Hudson Group, and your wife must be someone who is beneficial to the development of the group. But now, most of the profit of Hudson Group has been used on meaningless research on medicine. I don't know why you did this."

When he finished speaking, the meeting room became quiet.

Terrence calmly glanced over the others and chuckled.

"What about the others? Do you have the same opinions?"

No one dared to respond.

Terrence showed a fake smile. He suddenly picked up the glass in front of

him and smashed it at the person who had just spoken.

The glass with hot water smashed on the man's shoulder, and the glass shards instantly cut the man's face.



lowered their heads at the same time, completely not daring

Terrence sneered and added,

quickly got someone to bring the

quickly cleaned up as if nothing had

of people understand

his power as the rumors had said. On the contrary, his way

seemed to be sitting calmly at the side, but his fingers that

"Any problems?"

raised his head slightly. This time, no one dared to



in the meeting room were

you shouldn't make this plan.

want to

this goes on, Hudson

time, you'll


poker face. His hatred

at this time, Alexa also left the

to take care of Damarion and went

not been to such a place for a long time, and this time,

for several

Alexa, but Carissa looked much older



was not as

Carissa saw Alexa, Carissa

look the same. You look

it's because I

wanted to make a joke, but Carissa's expression

more serious.

for a while. There were already a few empty glasses in

"What do you want

let you drink, right?"

tolerance is actually not bad.

night Brenton confessed to you, you got drunk


finished speaking, Carissa realized that


"Oh, sorry..."

Alexa didn't mind.

when Alexa suddenly heard this

okay now?" Alexa asked

and powerful families is always unhappy.

for his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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