Chapter 375 That's Enough, Ms. Hall

Josina was a young, inexperienced girl. Facing such a domineering noble lady, of course, she was frightened.

"I did not..."

Rosse turned a deaf ear to her and continued to ask.

"80 thousand dollars. Is that enough?"

"Stop insulting me with your money!" Josina said firmly, her eyes brilliant with unwept tears, "I don't need the money. What I want is an apology. Don't think that you are superior just because you are influential and powerful."

Thalia clicked her tongue. Seemingly, she was a little impatient.

Since Rosse was here, Thalia was not in a hurry to speak to Josina.

"You know that the Crompton family is powerful, but you still choose to go against us?" Rosse put it all on the table. "We're being really nice to you. We are willing to settle the matter out of court. What else do you want? What is there to be unhappy about?"

"Anyway, Ms. Crompton pushed me. Truth is truth." Josina's voice unconsciously weakened a bit. "Moreover, what she said to me..."

"That's enough, Ms. Hall."

Thalia said lazily, her eyes full of sharpness.

Thalia sneered, going straight to the heart of the matter, "Drop the act.

There's no need for theatrics now. You should know very well whether I pushed you or not, right?"


Josina did not say a few words, the rims of her eyes reddened.

Josina gazed at Thalia tearfully. At this moment, she looked pitiable.

Sure enough, every man would be protective upon seeing this pure girl, wouldn't they?

Thalia silently scoffed at Josina with a look of disdain.

"You are a young girl. That's why I have shown you some respect." Thalia flipped her hair impatiently. "You know, enough is enough. Don't give me that."

When Thalia said that angrily, the ward suddenly quieted down.

Josina looked at the door and shouted pitifully.

"Dr. McMillan."

At that moment, Thalia curled her lips and sighed.

His timing was so impeccable...

Thalia turned her back to Finley, but she could imagine how cold his expression was now.

"You are Dr. McMillan?" Rosse sounded still domineering. "Please talk with your girlfriend about how to resolve this matter."

Thalia was a little unhappy when she heard what Rosse called Josina.

Dr. McMillan is not her boyfriend. Don't make fun of her," Thalia

Finley directly stood in front of Josina and said

in the same way Josina

Rosse that Josina wasn't his girlfriend. Hearing so,

let's go! It's not our fault. Why should we apologize?" Rosse

left, she looked at the white coat that

It seemed that he had started his

was good. Thalia could frequently stop

to be in a good mood and did not continue to argue with

reluctantly left Finley's arms. Her ears were red and she did not dare to

"Dr. McMillan, are you..."

Cooper. Now I work in the

department here."

you won't go

for the time being," Finley

is done. My director said that I could


made her intentions

stayed here, Josina didn't

overjoyed. He still had a very serious look


all up to you.

McMillan, what

colleagues, no doubt about it. What else could


were clear without a trace of

of Josina's high hopes fell in

ward, Josina nuzzled

out loud.

the allergy season. Alexa

but they just happened

He washed his

gently pinching Damarion's face.

to the hospital? What

Damarion, Finley was

was always at ease with himself in

out to Finley


his name. She wanted to say something else,

changed her mind. However, Damarion turned a deaf


you accept Dr. Cooper's invitation?" Alexa looked

is a very accomplished expert, and

Finley answered very

she was

Finley did

"How's Damarion?"

little allergic. He's

you need any help, keep me

and suddenly thought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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