Chapter 382 Why Shouldn't He Care?

Alexa then went out and left them in the ward.

Finley stood still for a while, silently looking at Thalia.

She raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and she found herself ridiculous.

"Finley, do you think I'm a bit too cheap?"

"The ground is cold. Get up."

Finley bent down and extended his hand to her.

Thalia's eyes turned cold and instantly slapped his hand away.

"If you don't like me, don't give me hope." Thalia sniffed. "There's no need to specially take care of my emotions and act in front of me. I'm not that weak."

"I'm not acting in front of you."

Finley's gaze was very calm, showing no signs of lying.

Thalia was originally quite fascinated by his otherworldly appearance, but now she was a little annoyed.

She wondered, why is he able to put on a nonchalant attitude toward everything?

"Finley, why did you protect me that night? Why did you accept the tie I gave you?"

Thalia stood up and grabbed his tie, causing Finley's neat and meticulous attire to be a little messy.

"Do you dare to say that you have no personal feelings for me?"

Finley sighed helplessly and silently removed her hand.

"You don't know me, so I hope you don't be so impulsive. Girls are easy to get hurt in a relationship."

"That's my own business. Just tell me whether you like me or not."

Thalia asked bluntly and aggressively. Finley didn't know what to say.

The door wasn't too soundproof, and Alexa could vaguely hear the sound inside.

She couldn't help but be worried about Finley.

But soon, Thalia's voice softened. She pulled his sleeve like a spoiled child and said.

"Dr. McMillan?"

It seemed that it had been settled.

Alexa did not worry anymore and planned to return to the company.

However, just as she walked out of the inpatient building, she saw Rayan walking toward her.

His face was so gloomy that it was terrifying. Even when he was facing Alexa, he did not pretend to be hypocritical.

"Alexa. Have you just met Thalia? I want to see her!" Rayan said through gritted teeth.

Go ahead," Alexa

not allow Rayan

and took

forgiven me. What do you think you can


without much patience,

need to go

matter, Rayan's face

the hell are you talking about? If you dare to smear me, I will never

am smearing

no longer in the mood

caught up to her and grabbed

if you dare to act recklessly, I

very strong, and red marks

bodyguards reacted

move, Alexa was pulled into


weakened by half, and Terrence

him to take a few

Alexa leaned

protected her, his angry eyes staring

when he kicked Rayan just



face was ashen.

at the bodyguards next to him. Those people

escorted Rayan

the anger rising around his body, Alexa

fine, don't be

his sleeve,

hand to check her.

a little bit

her skin.

"It doesn't hurt."

speaking, Terrence

was not serious, and the doctor allowed her to


that Terrence was still in a

Terrence said with a cold

will have his own

did not use

did you suddenly

came to see you." The coldness in Terrence's

for a whole morning. I miss

leaned over to


"Don't you like it?"

Alexa looked


gentle kiss on

she caught a glimpse of the figures not


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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