Chapter 169

Alora’s POV

I peeked out at my prey through my braids as they came into this concrete prison. They really should have known better than to back a pregnant female into a coroner. Didn’t they know a she wolf or vampiress were their most dangerous when their protective mother instincts kicked in? They even dared to antagonize a vampiress of royal blood, and the blessed granddaughter of the moon, the Lunar Princess. I’ll show them the pain their dark hearts desire, only it won’t be mine this



I felt our ruthlessness rush over us and wash through our veins like an icy fire, with sparks of electricity where the cold met the heat. We couldn’t shift, but our magic would soon be replenished. Jack and Sarah came in with three other foul smelling warlocks. The other three Warlocks had the same slimy evil air about them that Jack did, but I didn’t care, none of them were going to be able to carry out the abhorrent plans they had for me.

I couldn’t help the cruel anticipatory smirk that stretched my lips into a smile, I new toy eyes would be glowing violet right now. My aura, if they could sense it, was dark and dangerous. All the signs were there, this was all the warning they would get at first. 2

“Don’t blame us for not warning you properly if you choose to ignore your Goddess given instincts, was our thought. It was almost as if my determination to keep my pups alive had placed another crack in my soul. This was not a place I could afford compassion, or kindness.

The people here wouldn’t appreciate a damn bit of it anyway. “I thought internally, I would be ruthless….merciless, because that’s the only option they left me. They will soon-come to regret taking me from my home and mate, and then treating nie as they have..

The three other males were young, and had pleasant looking features, but it was all tainted with their use of Black Magic. It visibly tainted thers, making their skin pale, turning their eyes, hair and nails black. Staining their aura, and rotting out their souls, coating their original scents in something foul. They were all talking and laughing as they came in, they were talking about what they were planning to do to me in vulgar detail.

In the last few days, Selena, Xena and I had a lot of time to examine ourselves, and our blood. We went through the memories of our past lives we already had, even unlocking new ones as we did so. Finding I had a drop or two of Witch blood, left over from somewhere in my current ancestry, was not surprising. I found that when I had my strength and was not sucked dry of my magic, I was at a magic level equal to the Grand High Witch of the Council, one of the strongest witches in the last few Centuries.


So even in my weakened state I was able to cast a few minor spells, the first had been Chasity Bell, the other was a Bodily Waste transport spell. I had gotten that one by accident in a way. I had been standing in the Willow Tree Library One day, à flashback to one of Sarah’s several day long torture session, where I remained chained to the support beam of the basement, I had been unable to do anything but defecate and wet myself.

Never wanting to go through that kind of humiliation I again I had asked aloud, “Is there a spell that removes bodily waist?”


A tome came flying down to me from the fourth floor, in that reincarnation, having spies was something common and necessary, they had to stay in one place for several days at a time, and a Council Wizard had come up with this spell to make that easier. I had no idea where my waist was going, but I sincerely hoped it was in a place that bothered Sarah. The last spell, one that I was glad I remembered from a previous life, called simply Personal Hygiene, cleaned my body and clothes.


I was extremely low on magic now, all of this having used


and arousal through their foul stench unfortunately, it just made the urge to vomit nearly impossible to ignore. I

“I want to fuck her before you ruin her pretty face.” his words almost a purr, his tone filled with

to leave her alone till

not to go


know how excited torturing people makes Sarah.”

ass i can fuck, I

the ass, I think you’ll be



names and begging


just kept the deadly light in my eyes on the group, kept the warning in my aura

awake.” Jack

at me, and seemed to dismiss any of the warning that I had displayed. “Alright then, don’t blame me for having no mercy, you were warned.” I said internally. Xena and

didn’t say her eyes glowed.” Mark said, with a smile.,I want to take her eyes and keep them as a souvenir

no! No way in hell is he getting our eyes.””Xena

get the chance.” Selena said in a soft but confident tone, there was also a hint of

going to become food soon.” I

out a dark sounding chuckle. “How could I have

intervals, the smallest ring being around me, the largest and the last ring touched the threshold of the cell. However I hadn’t the strength to expand them further out, this was only my first time ever actually utilizing this spell. I’ve only just learned

what they were going to do to me, how they were going to make me suffer, and how they were going to violate me. It all became boring to listen to after a

to be nothing but food, I wish they

Selena said, a little of her

some ridiculous reason, villains can’t help but boast and stroke their own egos.” I told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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