





Chapter 173

Damien’s POV

I opened my eyes and laid there for a moment, tears falling down my face. It took me a second to realize, even though Zane and I were no longer in her space, we could still feel our mate. I sat up really fast at that realization.

“Starlight?” I asked through our link, my words coming hesitant. I was afraid what happened wasn’t real.

“I’m here my love, they can’t silence our connection again.” Her sweet melodious voice sounded in my ears. I closed my eyes and covered my face, suppressing a sob.

‘Thank the Goddess” I said internally.

I could ‘hear’ my mate again, and I could feel her emotions once more. However when I tried to sense what direction she was in, it was like my internal compass was broken, and the needle was spinning around and around, unable to find north.

It was my mother’s warm arms around me and her whispered words of comfort that made me remember the reason I had woken up, was because someone had been calling my name.

“I know it’s hard to be away from her son, but we’ll find Alora soon.” My mother said softly.

“Thank the Goddess, I love you, I love you so much.”I took the opportunity to tell her Alora through our link, I couldn’t hold it back. Our separation has been hell for


“Ah, mate, you have suffered. When we are together again, I’ll stay glued to your side.” She said. Her voice, and the love I felt from her were providing a soothing balm I so desperately needed.

I dropped my hands from my face and I met my mother’s gaze. “I can feel her again, I can talk to her, she broke through one of their spells.” I told my mother in a hoarse tear filled voice.

My mother looked at me in shock and abruptly sat down on the bed, tears coming into her eyes. “Alora…you can really feel her again…and hear her?” she asked. surprised, her expression full of hope.

home, I want her seven layer


was slightly choked with my tears. Mom gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, holding


longer completely cut off from her.” I told her, not wanting to get her hopes

jumped up and wrapped me in her arms. “I’m so happy, Alora and

know when we will be able to finally bring her home, but she says she’s

with the spells activated.” Alora said in a comforting tone. “Tell her

being drugged unconscious?” I asked her in a curious

is unconscious, my mind is not.” she said “It’s like an out of body experience or astral

certainly interesting.”1 commented

she had already realized I was conversing with Alora, and was trying not to ask what it was we were talking about. The strain from holding back her questions was visible on her

loves you, dad, her parents and her siblings.” I told mom, her eyes looked bright and she smiled. “What made you crane in here and wake me?” I asked

but it’s lunch time, so I got worried and came to see if you were all right.” She explained to me


gentle voice.

a gentle smile on her face. “I’ll be okay now mom, don’t worry so much anymore.” I told her. I know it’s hurt her to

need to go to the training grounds. Matt has some

know what it’s

would Matt want to meet with you?” Alora

like to know that myself.”I told her, not knowing

not sure, but Boris said it was extremely important.”

important than it is.” I told


warm flood of Alora’s love for me wrap around me through our bond. It was such a wonderful feeling, one I never wanted to be without ever again. Being completely cut off from you mate like that was utter hell, pure darkness and unrelenting pain. I’d never take this feeling for granted,


able to cut us off so completely ever again.” Hearing her voice whispering her compassionate words through our bond, made

but trailed off,

you want to hear my darling mate.” She said, already knowing what I wanted to ask

here in my arms right now.”I told her, my voice full

a shower, and got dressed. I tied my hair back in a mid high, high tail and dressed in a pair of black athletic shorts and a blue tank. I left the room and went into the dining room, where my mom had lunch

you eaten?” I asked her,

of a substantial amount of nutrition.” She said, in a voice that sounded like a


how she said it that made me wary of her words, it was the feelings of a tiger having recently fed on an

you don’t think about it too much my love.” she said in a soothing croon, after she sensed what I


think about it…then it must be something I really didn’t want to think about. I just

you, my starlight.”1 told her, my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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