Darien wished he could just woop un Serenity, tous het into his car and then find a ijulet, private, and romantic place to claim her fully. In baly, heart, and anul While Darien was torturing himself with thoughts about claiming Serenity Kain and Galen were having a silent conversation.
“Het gede was an happy a moment ago, then it got sod, now it’s just a mark. “Galeri commented to Kain
Galen had thought Alora enchantingly beautiful with a genuine smile on her face. Then he felt like offering to slay her demons when that smile became sad.
**The rumors have her sleeping with Darien, but I seriously doubt it, they’ve never acted like lovers.” Kain told Galen.
Kain thought about all the Claim’s Sarah and some of her Clan members spewed about Alora. He doubted most if any were true. “They act like we do with Serenity, ke they’re brother and sister.”
Galen thought about what Kain said for a second, before mentally nodding. “You’re right, they also said the was a weak wolf”
“Something we now know personally is complete and utter bull s hi t.” Ka n growled, he was still pis sed at himself for making such a stu pid assumption.
“Such bu llsh it, I wonder how much of the other rumors are more bull s hit.” Galen wasn’t any happier than Kain about underestimating a potential opponent to this degree
Aloga knew Kain and Galen were talking to each other about her. They were most likely wondering about all the rumors Sarah and her possy started about Darien
Usually, whenever someone was brave enough to approach her to ask. They sounded like they were really making accusations, not asking questions. Alora would ignore them and just walk away without answering
Alora decided that this time around, because they were the brothers of her best friend’s mate, she would explain. Whether they chose to believe her or not, that
was up to them.
Using just her eyes, she glanced sideways at Kain, catching his gaze. Kain and Galen were both a little taller than Darien at seven foot seven. They were a touch broader, their muscle tone bulkier. Their skin was sun kissed gold, sprinkled lightly with freckles.

Their hair was fire engine red with blond highlights. They wore it slightly shaggy, curling over their eyebrows, ears and neck. Their eye color was the same as Serenity’s, and their eyes were striking, Inner rings of emerald green surrounded by an outer ring of glowing amber.
Galen was wearing a loose tan pair of cargo shorts and a slightly loose, deep blue V neck sleeveless shirt. On his feet a pair of black slingback trail sandals. Kain was wearing the same kind of shorts only his were black, and his shirt was a dark green knit tank top. His trail sandals a dark brown.
Kain read the demand in Alora’s nearly glowing violet silver ringed eyes. It clearly said, “Ask your questions now”.
“Be respectful of how you talk to this Alpha, something in her aura just now…”Horus’s words trailed off, but Kain understood what he was trying to say.
“There are several rumors about you and Darien, after observing you two ourselves however, my brother and I don’t believe they are true.” Kain said, his words spoken in a soft but deep baritone.
“That’s not really a question, that’s more of a statement.” Alora responded, lifting one gracefully arched black eyebrow, a rueful grin stretching one side of her full
Galen laughed, Alora turned her head in his direction, amusement starting to light her eyes. “What my brother is trying to delicately ask, is if all those rumors are the total bullshit, we think they are.” Galen said with a grin on his face, showing a bit of fang.
“My wolf Xena calls his wolf Axel, Brother. I call Darien my best friend.” Alora said simply, her tone said they could choose to believe her answer or not.
*Thank you for explaining Alpha.” Galen said, tilting his head to the side offering his neck.
“I would prefer not to be too olivious about my fight Rank.” Alora told him.

in his direction. A blush burned across Alora’s cheeks, she wasn’t used to bring addressed so respectfully, but then again, this was the first

This meant any wolf that get within reach of Alorn would feel it. It was not something Alors had wanted announced to everyone just yet. Not before she had completely broken bee of her family, and their Class.
Groping the back of her neck, Alora tilted her face to the sky, her eyes closed, and her brows furrowed. Alors had thought about the problem for a moment.
Dons et mally matter if our cand are revealed now or later?” Xersa asked, before adding in a tired whisper that sounded suspiciously like whining. “I’m so tired of biting what we are.
Opening her eyes, Alora studied the fluffy gray and white clouds drifting above. Her expression was serious as she continued to think. Galen and Kain stood there silently, observing her actions and having a conversation of their own.
“don’t be “Galen said to Kain through their mind link
“Don’t like what?” Kain asked him, although he already had a suspicion.
“Her worry over being addressed as what she is.”Galen responded, his voice holding a growl.
“Ah, then we are on the same page, but you know, I’ve come to realize something “Kain said.
“sit the same realization I’ve had?” Galen asked him.
“That all those rumors about Alora always started with Sarah, and then were spread by the Frost and Northmountain’s that are closest to her.”Kain said, his tone gr
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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