. West Coast Elite Alpha Training University. Located near the lake of the West coast mountain range.
Damien and Xander were just making it back to their set of rooms after their umal horning training. Rich student Alpha was assigned three sets of rooms when they came to the University
The middle of the three room’s was for the Alpha. It was a suite, with an enclosed bedroom that included a large luxury bath and walk in doet. The rest of the ste had a large office and a sitting room.
The room to the right and left of the Alpha’s were basically copies. The difference to them was the bedroom. Instead of one really large bedroom, there were two smaller bedrooms with smaller individual bathrooms and walk-in closets,
This was because the room to the right, was designed to house the Alpha’s chosen lleta and Gamma, the room to the left, the Alpha’s chosen two delta forcers. The room to the left was empty, the two males Damien wanted as his Delta enforcers, were receiving their training elsewhere.
Tobias and Alex had gone to the parts of their Clans that resided in the southern portion of the upper northeast coast of the first continent. A truly wild and untamed area of the world. It was a part of the world that was as wild now as it had been millions of years ago, before human life even began.
Nearly completely untouched by humans and left undeveloped, the temperate forest of that region was home to several different Clans of the Tongass Pack Damien had spent a few weeks of a few summers and winters in those utterly magical but deadly forests for his own training.
As for why only Xander, Damien’s chosen Beta, was the only occupant in the room to the right. That was because the Gamma Damien wanted to choose was the same female who rejected Xander, she should have already joined them at the University two years ago.
For some inexplicable reason, the female that used to vocally profess how she couldn’t wait for the day she could meet and accept her destined mate, had rejected that destined mate. Not only that, Damien and Xander were both fully aware of just how very intelligent that female was.
So that female being held back in school by two years never made sense to them. Xander had refused her rejection and was waiting for the day they went home for good. So Xander could find a way to finally make her accept him as her mate.

Damien had been in a mood all morning, having become increasingly uneasy since Alora’s eighteenth birthday a few days ago. Damien felt something bad was about to happen, he just didn’t know why he felt that way, or what that bad thing could possibly be.
Although Damien had been lost in his thoughts while they approached their assigned set of rooms, he was still extremely observant of his surroundings. So, he still noticed the scent that should not have been there, Damien’s space had been invaded,
Damien stopped suddenly and Xander paused by his side as soon as Damien went still. Xander sniffed the air, trying to find what had caused his friend and Alpha to stop so suddenly. A wry grin appeared on Xander’s lips when he caught the scent of female pheromones.
It seemed another female had snuck into Damien’s suite again. “I suppose you want me to chase this one out too?” Xander said, amusement in his tone.
Damien gave him a glare, accompanied by a growl of annoyance that doubled as a warning. Damien’s expression was dark, he did not think finding the occasional naked female in his suite amusing, but infuriating. Damien had said on more than one occasion, he would not take any female to his bed, that he was waiting for his destined mate.
Even if Damien wasn’t waiting, there was also the fact that the only female he had ever been attracted to, had always been Alora. Only she was able to raise the passion simmering deep within Damien. Ever since Alora had turned sixteen, there had been a barely leashed want of Alora
Damien felt lusting after Alora the way he did inappropriate, considering their age difference. So, for the last two years, he didn’t spend any more time than necessary at home. Trying to make sure he didn’t act on his feelings and take what might not have ever meant to be his, and before she was even of a proper age.
Damien didn’t only feel lust towards Alora, Damien’s feelings had always been very deep for Alora and her wolf Xena. From the first time Alora had opened her eyes and met his gaze, on that riverbank she’d washed up on so long ago. This was something he was never fully able to explain to himself.
Damien could feel Zane held even deeper feelings towards Alora and her wolf, there was also a touch of sorrow. Damien had only ever received two answers when he had asked Zane why he felt the way he did.
The first answer was, “They are the most important thing to us in the world.” and the second. They are missing an important piece of themselves. Whenever Damien asked Zane why they were so important or what that missing piece was, Zane would either refuse to answer, or say he did not know.
Damien had this instinctive feeling Zane knew the answers, but for some reason he wouldn’t say them. Damien knew he was abnormally possessive of Alora, it’s

leave and attend the University They were going home soon, today was the first day of their final exam. It would take three days, the first two days were the written exam, de last day was for the final ranking in fight training. Unlike his high school, their final fight was only witnessed by those attending the Untiersity and the University’s officials. While Dumien became lost in his thoughts about Alora, Xander went into his suite. Xander didn’t bother turning on the lights, Damien’s windows were letting in enough left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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