Chapter 17: Messages
Damien climbed into his shower, having long hair meant you had to do proper halt tare. Meaning Damien emuller’t get away with just a shampoo, he had to por a conditioner as well. Expecially with as thick as his hair was He wanted to be able to brush his hair without ripping it out of his scalp all the time
Damien used a brand Alora preferred, one discovered because of his mother, Luna Ember Damien’s mother had noticed how had the condition of Akra’s hair was one day. When Alora was asked what she used to wash it with, his mother was outraget, because all Alors ever had to clean her hair with was bar sop
Damien’s mother went through several different brands before they found one that Alora naturally gravitated to, finding it to be her preferred brand. The brand didn’t just have shampoos and conditioners. It had skin care products as well So Damn and Ember made sure Alora had what her parents wouldn’t have bought
The brand was good for both females and males, so a lot of the products given to Alora, Damien used as well. Alora loved the smell of coconuts, so whenever Damien was missing her, he would use the coconut oil shampoo and conditioner she loved. Just to carry that scent with him throughout the day.
Damien shaved his face and brushed his teeth in the shower to save time. Hopping out he wrapped his hair in one towel, and another around his waist after drying his body. Damien flossed and swished some mouthwash, being a supernatural being did not make you exempt from proper dental care.
Damien towel dried his hair and weaved it into a braid that rested on his shoulder. There was a pocket door that led from the bathroom into his walk-in closet. So it was easy for him to grab another pair of slightly loose black cargo shorts and a dark navy blue v-neck sleeveless t-shirt.
Dressed, Damien walked out of the closet though its bedroom entrance. Grabbing his phone off the charger, he put it in his pocket and headed into his sitting room. Damien was sitting in one of the large chairs and putting on a pair of black canvas slip-ons when Xander came in.
Xander walked in with his wet hair hanging loose down his back, wearing a sky blue loose v-neck short sleeved t-shirt and a tan pair of loose cargo shorts. On his feet were a pair of sandy brown colored distressed canvas slip-on shoes.
With a wide bright smile on his face, Xander opened his mouth to greet his Alpha, when they heard Damien’s phone ding several times. With a frown on his face Damien looked down at his phone. He had a few messages, two from his father, and one from his brother Darien,
“It’s early to be getting so many messages at once isn’t it?” Xander asked, feeling concerned, more so when his own phone dinged multiple times.

Xander pulled out his phone and looked, his mother, father and little brother had all sent him messages. Opening the messages and reading through them had Xanders stomach dropping to the floor. Xander, feeling weak with shock, abruptly sat down in the chair closest to him.
Coincidentally the chair was across from Damien’s so when Xander raised his eyes, he was able to see that Damien was looking at a picture on his phone. There was a mixture of anger and sorrow, expressed only in Damien’s eyes, as he looked down at his phone.
Damien had opened the message from his father first, and the picture caused an uproar within him. It was Alora, but there was blood on her mouth, and a smaller
female with fiery red curls was whipping the blood from Alora’s mouth with an expression of sorrow
There was a dark red hand print on Alora’s cheek. This detail told Damien, Alora had been hit hard enough in the face, to cause blood to drip from her mouth. Anger welled up within Damien, he wanted to know who dared to injure his Starlight. Focusing on the picture and all the details, Damien became aware of what Alora was wearing in the picture.
Alora wasn’t wearing her usual track pants, instead she was wearing a short pair of shorts that bared her long beautiful legs. Her hoodie wasn’t zipped up to her neck, it was left open. Alora was only wearing a tank top that bared her stomach, showing off more of her delicious caramel colored skin.
Wanting to know why his father had sent him this picture, he scrolled down the message sent with the picture. Damien’s emotions became a chaotic mess as he read each word his father had sent him. Damien forced himself to look at his brother’s messages next. Knowing it would contain more details about what happened
to Alora.
After reading his brother’s message, the storm of emotion inside Damien simmered down some, but remained chaotic. Alora had met her mate today, that mate had not been him, but the mate she was given rejected her, and Alora had rejected him back.
Darien s message let Damien know that even if Alora’s mate hadn’t rejected her, she still would have rejected him. Damien didn’t know how to feel about that, but at the same time, he understood why Alora would have done it. After all, Matthew had been her sister’s lover for a couple of years now.
It felt like something heavy was trying to crush his heart at the fact that he wasn’t Alora’s mate. Although he never let himself acknowledge it, Damien had always hoped Alora would be his destined mate. It made him want to run home and rip Matt to pieces for being destined to Alora.
Damien tried to tell himself it was wrong for him to feel that way. He told himself he should just accept the fact that Alora was never meant to be his. While

from everything. Damien somflow managed to forget he won’t alone in his mind, at least until Zane let out a mort of anger Thinking Zane was upset at finding out Alora and Xena had been destined to another, Demen tried to combat him””We’ll find on destined mate wonday” “We already have?” Zane svorked at him This shocked Damien, how could he not know they had already met their destined reste. “How? When Damien asked him. “Her” They are our mate, pur female, they were never meant to be hist” Zane responded, still anarling Dampen frore, feeling the world tilt on its axis again. “How were they never meant to be his?” He asked his wolf. “They have always been muts, from our very beginning. Mite was placed under a strong binding spell after her birth. A rejection was necessary to break the spell, now our mate’s missing piece will be back. “Zane told him in his growly voice. All this shocked Damien further, but at the same time, it made him feel lighter, because the female he so desperately hoped was his mate, was actually his mate. Damien didn’t doubt his wolf’s words, Zane had never spoken a lie to him. If he said Alora wat their mate, she was their mate. “Damien…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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