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Darm watched the look that came over Alora i fare, and her struggle to compose herself. It was to her. All it was a hug, but every high school student started learning prychology 101 in the nth grade.
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As an alpha, Darian would be responsible for those interested under his leadership. The health and wellbeing of fellow Pack members was essential of Lana’s, meant their education started early and prosperity of the Pack. Darien and Damien being the sons of the Alpha of the Alpht and the
It was a good thing Darien and Damien had been naturally intelligent and inclined to expand their knowledge. They’ve needed that ligne to ktp p Alora all these years. Alora calmed down the longer Serenity hugged her, her expression changing to one of surprise and curiosity.
Darien watched Alora make the conscious decision to accept the contact, then she embraced Serenity back. Alora looked up and smiled at Darien, she once thought of his mate as adorable. Alora could feel how affectionate a person Serenity was just by her embrace.
Finally, Serenity pulled back, letting Alora go, looking up to meet her gaze. “You’ll be my friend now, right?” Serenity asked.

Alora had a stunned look on her face, not expecting that question at all. When Serenity’s question was followed up with a “Me too.” From each of the twins, Anga was even more surprised.
Darien laughed and that caught Alora’s attention, she felt a little annoyed that he was laughing at her. Deciding to let Darien have his laughter, she looked down at serenity for a moment, thinking, then up and over at Kain and Galen, before looking back at Darien
“I think…family…would be a better word.” Alora finally said, her gaze dropping to meet Serenity’s again. “If Danen is my brother, that makes you my sister in-law and your brothers my brothers in-law.”
Serenity smiled widely, she couldn’t help it, she felt like she was overflowing with her happiness at the moment. “I’m so happy, I can’t tell you how happy that
makes me.”
Darien wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her back against his side again. “Come on everyone, let’s get into the stadium, we don’t want to be late.” He
said with a smile,
With some mumbles of agreement, the group started off in the direction of the stadium. Alora and Darien walked side by side with Serenity in between them, tucked up against Darien’s side. With a discreet glance in Darien and Serenity’s direction. Alora could see à possessiveness in Darien’s hold of Serenity.
Serenity was submitting, but only because she liked the touch of her mate, and it gave her an excuse to cling to him. Kain and Galen walked behind and a little to each side, Kain by Alora, and Galen by Darien. As they got to one of the main entrances to the stadium, Alora’s phone went off
Darien knew that ringtone…it was specifically set for Bettina, Just like you by Three Days Grace. His jaw tightened, Darien had to grit his teeth to keep himself from snarling “What does that bitch want now?” He hadn’t liked Alora’s family ever, now he hated them, truly hated them. The things they had done to Alora were unacceptable to him.
Alora froze in place at the sound of the ring tone, an icy kind of numbness fell over Alora. A quiet fury so cold it burned, ignited within Alora. Taking her phone out of her hoodie pocket, she looked at the caller icon on her phone screen. Alora just stared at it till the call eventually went to her voicemail.
Alora decided not to answer any of the calls that would come in from her family. They could text her if they wanted to talk to her, she had no inclination to listen to their screeching and yelling. Today, despite its minor tragedy, was turning out to be a good day for her, and Alora was determined it would remain that way.
“Not going to answer them?” Darien asked, trying to keep his voice casual when Alera’s phone went off with the ringtone for Allister, In one ear by Cage the Elephant.
“Nope.” Alora said just as casually. “They can yell at me through text messages today. I’ve decided my ears are too sensitive to be abused by their voices.” Alora said the last with a shrug and a half smile on her face.

Bonunlar, who Gaben nun hat memyone Torking His way, “”“) bet they madde) #tyline what these ringtones equited. if they per level hom2 they’re not really deep thinkers’ said Darlen Alors giggled when Kernity pooped and gently slapped Durrier’s chest. Durien leighed. “Am The asked. “No, you’re

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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