Alora was highly amused and waiting for what the twins would say next. So much so, she continued to ignore her phones retification wound, it had gone off there
“Kain starts screanung and I turn to look at him, out of the corner of my eye something caught my attention. When I turned to look, I started screaming looked like a severed head attached to the back seats middle headrest.” Alora gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands.
“At this point Galen and I were both freaked out, tossing our coffees we hopped out of my still moving jeep” Alora was now looking at them wide eyed.
“Aaaaand who would drive up just as Kain’s jeep crashed into a tree?” Galen asked dramatically.
“Our sister, laughing her as s off.” Kain growled.
“It was a Halloween mask, a bl oody fu c king Halloween mask” Galen said, waving his arms around in his frustration
Alora couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. Darien and Serenity finally came over, drawn by Alora’s laughter. Darien looked at her, Alora’s face was red, her arms crossed over her belly and was gasping in between laughs.
“I have to know what’s making her laugh so hard.” Darien said to the twins while pointing at Alora.
Alora tried to talk, but all that came out was gasps and more laughter and a little hand waving in Serenity’s direction. Serenity, knowing her brothers, asked “İr was that Halloween prank I pulled on you two, wasn’t it?”
When Kain and Galen just growled at her in annoyance, Alora pretty much collapsed on the floor laughing, her laughter coming out in wheezes now.
“What prank?” Darrien asked curiously, he just had to know, Alora’s reaction said it would be a delightful story.
Serenity iced when the twins growled again. Til tell you later.”
Just then the announcer came over the intercom and told everyone there was only five minutes left to find their seats. Darien and Serenity immediately looked sad. Alora, distracted by the announcement, was able to finally calm down, with the occasional giggle.
Everyone started up the steps that would lead them to their sections. When the group reached the section for the Delta Class fighters, Serenity and Darien stared into each other’s eyes. You could tell separating was the last thing either of them wanted to do.
“Come on lover boy, there will be a fifteen minute break in between each fight block. You’ll be back in your mutes loving arms soon.” Alora said, pushing Durien up in the direction of their seats,
“Come on little sister.” Galen said, and he and Kain picked up their sister, and carried off between them.
Alora laughed again, this had been a great morning for her, despite having run into her sister and going through a rejection. When Darien and Alora found their seats and sat down, Alora pulled out her phone to look at the messages she knew had been left by Bettina and now Allister, plus a couple from Sarah
“What did they say?” Darien asked her.
Alora let out a tired sounding sigh. “More of the same from Sarah, a bunch of insults and threats of payback. Oh…this one is new, and slightly amusing after you get past their vulgar vocabulary.”

im to read
Darien leaned over to look at the messages on her phone, most of the time he never would have done that. This time however, Alora was inviting them over her shoulder. At first, he couldn’t get past the things Bettina and Allister were calling Alora. Then he was able to tell what had amused Alora
“They know you’re not in the reserve fighter class, now they’re pissed about it. They’re also demanding you withdraw from the school immediately, the fu c k? Danen growled.
“I’m eighteen now, which means I’m the only one who can decide my educational future now.” Alora told him.
“That’s right, the conservatorship my parents had on your education was only until you turned eighteen and could legally decide for yourself.” Daren said, remembering that fact just now.
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“Then can’) find my name in
ram” Alora arst, before she went bac
Darien read the menage king sent. Now yo
Alims bet put a dark sounding chuckle. “Oh, I really hope
They watched as Bettina and Allister mad Akra’s message. They looked like they were abs went back another text, this one carving Ales
to explode from anger. Alora laughed at the
as ugh. Bettina
Ta na Na! vou little bitch, you wretched good be withing
were your name in and what class you’re in, was wretched nongre!!
“Ouch, that in a fowl worded text. She kiss her mother with that mouth?” Danen « question was asked færtional.
Alora laughed, so used to such language from Bettina being directed at her, that it didn’t really bother her anymore. “I disbe
than her precious sor pritisk
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cain. The buzzer rang and the lights over the weating dimmed to near nothing. Daren laughed as they watched Bettina and Allister look through the program and the bright lights over the arena came on. The fixe had a thick leven of dit surrounding the large round platform. The platform was where the fighters would
take theu stanom.
“Looks like we’re about to get started now ” Darien comitiented.
dack cab bar with the occasional thick strand of gold. Of course everyone in the In the muddie of the plattem was a tall, beautiful female of dark
knew who she was, how could they not know who their own Vior Principal wa5.
“Hello everyone and welcome to the Moon Mountai
wowe was clear and powerful, like her
Kalia had always been nice to Alora and had become one more of Alora’s champion when it c
me to her education,
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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