Werewolf: Heartsong

Tander læbed at frommen dund
“Ya pok. km ran pau þut have you Beta Harding dea
“Mang Kai andy bar tidig bei prati kam pappan, pet
teen, kept walking After Damara kad Kander duted to catch up
Domien koked at Xander with one zyatane raised and a smirk libing now side of his mouth. “Are you saw you didn’t major in Drama” He asked (
Kander growled in indignation. “You know very well what all my majors are! You’re in them?”.
Damien threw his head back and laughed then said, “Okay, okay, don’t be such a drama king” His words only made Xander growl more in britation.
Then with a look of wide eyed astonishment asked, “How the hell do you know that expression?”
Dam n gave Xander a muld glare, with a dry tone he asked. “Is there any reason for me not to know this expression, especially with such a dramatic being as my
“You have such a “studious” manner about you, it’s hard to tell if you actually reside in this century or not.” Xander said sarcastically while using air quotes.
Damien snorted. “Just because I’m ‘studious” as you put it, does not mean I don’t keep up with the current dialog”
“But you always seem so ancient when you meet with the elders of different Packs, Xander commented.
“With as long lived as most supernatural beings are, I have to know.centuries worth of traditions, customs, and those older ways of speaking. Not just current traditions, customs and current ways of speaking. It is a form of respect when meeting those elders in their own territories. Just as I would expect the same respect in return if they were to come to our territory” Damien explained.
Xander let out a sigh. “Do you have to prove over and over again what a great Alpha of Alpha’s you will make one day?” His question was meant to come out sounding sarcastic, but Xander could not help the bit of admiration that had taken over his tone.
Damien scoffed, then pointed out to Xander, “I would not have had to, if you had not made me do so.”
Xander felt his face twitch as he thought over the conversation be just had with his Alpha, Inside Xander, Darius let out a sigh, then shook his head, wondering why his humanoid had to be so foolish at times. Xander constantly bounced between annoying his Alpha and amusing him greatly.

Sticking his hands in his pockets, Xander walked shoulder to shoulder with Damien Eyes followed the pair their entire walk to the main building of the University. They were to take the first
Damien and Xander had both amorous and platonic admirers everywhere, from both genders and arross species. Going into the town nearby the University brought on a lot of unwanted aftenfion.
With their amorous admirers, Damien and Xander ignored their advances. Pushing those amorous admirers away with an iry politeness that somehow managed to
come off as courteous and not rude.
with the platonic admirers it was different, Damien and Xander were able to relax, their politeness and courtesy coming to them naturally and with warmth. Their actions made it clear to everyone just the type of attention Damith and Xander would welcome, and what attention they would not.
The main building of the University was a behemoth of a building much like their high school back home, only with a few more floors. It was very castle like in its structure, with a few basements with indoor training levels. The roof of the building was a botanical and arboretum garden, with both open and covered greenhouse
Supernatural beings drew their very life from the elements of the world. This meant where there was a large collection or cities of Supernatural beings, there were also a lot of botanical and arboretum gardens.
In parks, on rooftops, and inside dwellings, on balconies and terraces with plant covered pergolas, Surrounding gazebos and inside business buildings and restaurants, Inside courtyards and lining public walking paths,
It made for beautiful places to live with lots of clean fresh air, a very important quality for those beings with extra sensitive olfactory senses, which were most supernatural beings.
Upon entering the main building, Damian and Xander bumped into a fellow senior Alpha and Beta pair. Alpha Nabonidus and Beta Shapur, much like Damien and Xander, were unaccompanied to the university by their Gamma and two Delta Enforcers.
This allowed Damien and Xander to form a quick friendship with the two from the land bridging the second continent to the third. They had heavy rolling accents that were exotic. Paired with their looks, and obvious power, Nabonidus and Shapur get the same amount of attention as Damien and Xander.
They had dark black hair that was nearly shaved at the sides, the top left several inches long, the tips a chestnut color, Dark bronze skin tone with chiseled features. Downward tilted almond shaped eyes with inner rings of silver green and outer rings of deep brown. They were shorter than Xander and Damien, Nabonidus at seven foot six and Shapur at seven foot five, both lean of body with lean tightly packed muscle.
“Greetings friend, how has your morning been?” Nabonidus asked Damien, with a smile stretching across his full lipped mouth.
“It has been an adventure this morning my friend.” Damien replied.
“Did Xander have to remove another beauty from your living quarters again this morning?” Nabonidus asked, amusement in his tone.
Damien nodded, letting out a sigh. “I am becoming more and more impatient for our final day at this University. If only to get away from all of these females who keep trying to force their way into my bed.”
Nabonidus nodded in understanding. “I feel your pain, it has been a constant struggle, avoiding all the beauties and their advances.”
Chapter 11 ama King”
Hariga boule 1. “Ven leave not tested quits that strongly and have had neas that a few beauties accompany you to bed at nigda *
kakatika bangkod at Banna’s comment. “This on the truth you speak, lost in my defense, I have not met my mate as you two have most likely done. At last that a mu popicana la pou karveshularn in winding relibate while attending dis Labersity. That and someone must console all those broken hearts you leave
Bowdon kogbad draph, amused by his fiend “When my mating ia confirmed, I will send an invite to the ceremony” He said to Nubonidus, smiling
Nahamika ended brightly in return “I will be koking forward to attending such a
mentous event.” His words were filled with good humor.
shapoa kanel chove to Kander. “Which female did you have to remove this morning?” He asked with curiosity in his tone.
Tust wear Alpha Feronia Bemandi.” Kander told him.
Shapa’s biow hurrossed hat a moment, a fown on his ponty lipped mouth as he tried to place the name with a face. “I have heard of this female, but we have not made her popastintame just yet” He said, with a shake of his head.
Xander looked at Shajsu na suprise. “Really?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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