The little interaction between Darien and Serenity was the much-needed break in the tension the room had become saturated in. It wasn’t all that good to have a bunch of Alpha Werewolves in a small room with this much tension. Fangs and claws tended to start making appearances then.
“How long do you think it will take for them to mark each other?” Ember asked Andrew with a mischievous grin on her lips.
Alora, sitting between the two, immediately became intrigued by this topic, and highly amused.
Andrew, amused and grateful for the momentary break in such a serious and emotionally packed conversation, smiled at his wife. “Oh, by tonight at the latest.”
“If they don’t decide to find an empty broom closet between now and then.” Alora muttered looking at the passionate and loving looks the couple were giving each other.
Ember burst into a fit of laughter and Andrew looked at Alora with’amused surprise. None of this distracted the couple, they were totally gone on each other.
Andrew saw this and a grin stretched across his lips. “I think you might be right about that, Alora.” he said, letting out a chuckle of amusement.
Ember’s laughter subsided and a gentle and loving smile now graced her lips. After a moment, Ember’s eyes became glazed, and her expression became sad. Andrew’s look of amusement became somber, and Alora’s face became an expressionless mask.
“A representative of the Supernatural Council is going to be arriving in the next five minutes. All you will have to do is sign the document needed to accept the contents left to you in your grandfather’s Will. A representative of the Werewolf’s Council will be here shortly as well, they will have a document for you to sign accepting all the titles and positions inside the Pack left to you in your grandfather’s Will. Then you will renew your blood oath to me as a Pack member with your new titles and position.” Andrew explained to Alora.
Alora nodded, just going along with what the Alpha said at the moment. Alora felt like she was floating, this moment was so strange to her. So much had happened to her since she woke up this morning, and it was only lunch time.
“I thought there was a traitor in the Werewolf Council.” Alora said, wondering why a Werewolf Councilman was coming.
“There is, that is why the processing of the Will, will be done by the Supernatural Council. However, the handover of the titles and position in the Pack, have to be filed with the Werewolf’s Council. The representative of the Supernatural Council will be watching as the paperwork for the Werewolf’s Council is signed and processed immediately. As they are the party responsible for processing Brodie’s Will, the Supernatural Council has to sign off that every demand of the Will was met.” Alpha Andrew explained.

“Do you know who the representative from the Supernatural Council is going to be?” Ember asked Andrew.
“I requested someone from Justice Bonecrusher’s office. I felt it was in our best interest to have the mediation division of the Supernatural Council oversee this important transaction.” Andrew told Ember.
“That was a great idea.” Eleber agreed.
In the next moment, heavy footsteps were heard out in the hallway, they almost sounded like stomps. Along with some frantic footsteps a moment later.
“Sir! Sir! You can’t just go in there! That is a private room! It was reserved by our Pack Alpha! Sir!” came the frantic female voice.
“I was invited by your Pack Alpha little wolf-pup, I have reason to be here. See this? This is his official letter of invitation.” Came a really deep voice that sounded like the rumble of boulders.
Alora, Serenity, and Darien lifted their noses and sniffed, curious about the being on the other side of the door now. None of them recognized the scent of the being, or what he was. All Alora could smell of the being was fire and earth. The door opened and the being’s aura reached Alora first, it held centuries worth of
Immediately, everyone in the room could feel that this being was old, three hundred or more years old at least. When he stepped through the door, Alora was left in awe of his size. This being was even bigger than her Alpha, he had to be nine foot two if not taller. The male had dark olive toned skin, and long deep chocolate brown hair that fell to his ankles.
Alora was startled by his eyes, they were tri-colored. Inner rings of golden amber, middle rings of deep forest green, and outer rings of dark cinnamon. The pupils of his eyes were slightly elongated into soft diamond shapes. The male’s body was broad and chiseled everywhere, thick with muscle, like a living boulder coming to life. Alora saw that his ears had pointed tips, and his grin as he greeted the Alpha showed longer and sharper fangs than any Werewolf she had ever seen.
“Greetings Alpha Andrew Fire Moonstar of the Moon Mountain Pack and Alpha of Alpha’s of the first Continent. I am Senior Mediation Officer Brogden Helvitiseldur Terrawing of Justice Midir Snowwing Bonecrusher’s office. I am here at your request that our office oversee and aid in the processing of the Will of Clan Alpha Brodie Bloodmoon Heartsong of the Moon Mountain Pack.” As this male had spoken, it was like his voice shook the very air around him.
Alora, Darien, and Serenity went quiet and still, trying to go unnoticed by this giant male whose immense power made their fur stand on end. Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember stood up to return the male’s greetings.
“Welcome Senior Council Mediation Officer Brogden Helvitiseldur Terrawing. Please just call me Alpha Moonstar, this is my mate Luna Ember Shadow Moonstar.” Alpha Andrew greeted.
Luna Ember smiled at the male. “I offer my own welcome to you as well, please call me Luna Moonstar.”
“Thank you for your warm greetings, please call me Officer Terrawing. My official title is quite long, and I get tired of hearing it after it has been said a few dozen times.” Officer Terrawing said, amusement in his voice.
Alpha Andrew chuckled lightly. “I can understand that, please sit. We have a variety of food in this order, the appetizers are about to be taken away for the first course.” he said, waving his hand at the table.
“Ah, then I must choose quickly.” Officer Terrawing said, and then he sat down next to Darien.
Darien sat stiffly with a look of barely repressed horror on his face. Serenity had both a stressed and curious look on her face. She kept sniffing the air, trying to figure out what Officer Terrawing was. Alora was looking at the male and felt like she was smacked in the face with the obvious answer.
Pointed ears, longer than normal fangs, tri-colored eyes, and his massive size. Combined, it all hit Alora over the head with one Supernatural Species. They were in the company of a Dragon Master, because of course, who would be st*pid enough to try and deceive a Dragon Master?
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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