If looks could kill, they would be looking at one dead Council Werewolf right now. Darien squeezed Serenity closer to his side so he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Like leap across the table and rip the Werewolf’s throat out for whatever he had done to his family.

Rankin sat in his chair and internally cursed Mikhail Windstorm viciously for having provided the Alpha with the needed paperwork. That Council Werewolf was unwaveringly loyal to Alpha Andrew and would follow his orders to the letter. That Council Werewolf had become a hindrance in the seniors of the Werewolf’s Council’s effort to reduce the Alpha of Alphas to nothing more than a figurehead.

The senior Council members wanted to be able to install their own chosen Werewolf as Alpha of Alphas, one obedient and loyal to them. Only by doing this could the Northmountain and Frost Clans rise to the top where they were meant to be. First, they had to finish off the disgraceful Heartsong Clan.

For their plan to destroy what was left of the Heartsong Clan to succeed, they needed Bettina to inherit everything from her father. Alora was never to know about the Will or receive anything that was left for her in it. Rankin cursed Mikhail Windstorm internally again for the generations of planning he had destroyed with his meddling.

There was still hope, as long as the titles were not certified by the Supernatural Council afterwards, then Alora could be stripped of her titles and position on a technicality. They then could have Bettina awarded her titles and position, with the reasoning that it was only until Alora was deemed fit enough to reclaim them.

Only they would never declare her fit enough to reclaim them. With this in mind, Rankin became amiable to Alpha Andrew’s demands and began to certify the transfer of title and position from Brodie Bloodmoon Heartsong to Alora Luna Heartsong

The documents were signed, initialed, and fingerprinted with blood. However, before the Werewolf Council member could make his escape, with the document he never intended to file properly, the Alpha ordered him to be witness to a blood oath.

‘No! Rankin yelled internally. A blood oath would make it harder if not impossible to strip Alora of her titles. Rankin wanted to get up and leave, but the Alpha bad used a command to keep him in his seat.

Rankin went to speak, but Luna Ember gave her own command, “You will remain silent till after Alora has made her blood oath to the Alpha of Alphas.” effectively muting him.

Alora was starting to feel a little floaty, like she was having an out of body experience. The ringing in her ears was getting louder, and a blackness was starting to edge her vision. Alora did what was asked of her and said the words she was told to say.

Her palm was cut, and pressed to the bloody palm of the Alpha’s, the oath spoken was, “I Alora Luna Heartsong swear my loyalty to the Alpha of Alphas as the Clan Alpha Alora Luna Heartsong of the Moon Mountain Pack.” Once she made her blood oath using her new title and position in the Pack, Alora felt a bond snap in place.

This bond was different from that bond that had bound her to the Pack with her first oath to the Alpha. This bond came with a rush of power and the weight of responsibility.

was very upset, everything was out of control. Not only was the title and position transfer successfully documented, but Alora had also made a blood oath to the Alpha with that title. Alora was now a

a member of the Supernatural Council, I can sign that blood oath certificate as the outside witness. Also, I have the paperwork that will certify her new position in the Moon Mountain Pack as Clan Alpha of the Heartsongs with the Supernatural council, with me.” Brogden said, obliterating any

of while we’re at it, seeing as you already have the needed forms on

this in silence, the ringing in her ears was a loud and consistent noise that was making it increasingly difficult to think. Alora’s vision was becoming darker, and

behalf. Serenity felt Alora deserved this good fortune after all she had gone through. Serenity looked up at Darien, about to comment on this, but stopped when

how pale she had gotten and was now frowning herself. Alora was almost as pale as Serenity was, which was an

as she was usually a lovely

Luna Ember commanded the Werewolf Council member. They ordered

back and properly file all the

and Luna rarely used this kind of power, they felt it was wrong

and started around the table, he didn’t like how pale the little violet and silver eyed pup was. When Brogden first walked in, her skin complexion had been much darker. The scent that told him she was more than just a Werewolf was getting stronger, and there was the scent of something else. When the Dragon Master was standing next to Alora, he

barely aware of Brogden walking round the table to stand next to her. With a tug from the inside, Alora’s vision went completely black, and all sound fell away. All Alora could think at the last moment was, “Thank

had to suppress a roar of outrage when he recognized the scent on Alora, someone had used black magic on this pup. Before Brogdén could say anything about it, the

on the floor. Ember let out a sound of protest and knelt on

to Ember and looked down at the unconscious Alora in worry. “What happened?”

getting paler and paler, then the next minute Officer Terrawing was having to catch her as she fell out of her

she wasn’t this pale when we first got here.” Serenity said quietly, her soft

Andrew, Luna Ember.” Brogden growled out their names, getting their attention. “Someone has used black

little, a snarl leaving her lips.

tell what kind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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