It puts you in an interesting mind set to essentially be comforting yourself. In all technicality, the three were one being. However, the full reality of it was that they were three souls, occupying the same space. With the addition of Selena, Xena and Alora’s space changed.

Twenty more, ten deep rows of waist high bookshelves appeared. They were dark gray marble shelves with bright silver veins. They separated the white shelves from the black. The new shelves were also covered in dark green vines with a variety of colorful flowers blooming on them.

The sky had changed as well. On one side was a bright, sum, on the other a full moon. Around the sun the sky was bright blue and the fluffy clouds white. Around the moon the sky was a deep midnight blue bursting with stars and the fluffy clouds a dark gray. As the skies met in the middle, the sunny side of the sky gradually transitioned into a sunset as it met the moon side. The moon side of the sky gradually transitioned into dawn.

The fluffy clouds in the middle reflected the vibrant colors of the changing sky, from bright oranges and pinks to various colored purples and blues. Around the pond there was another change. In between the black sand and the dark gray river rock and stones lining the pond, a wide band of white river rock appeared.

With the bonds snapped in place, and the spell binding them broken, they felt almost whole. The only thing they felt was missing for them now was a mate. Appearing from the center of each of their chests were faint silver chains. The three slim chains came together and formed into a larger thicker chain that led off into the distance before fading from sight. Engraved onto the links of the chains, were platinum colored intricate interlacing knots.

The chains looked almost see through, they were so faint, but when Alora reached out and touched it, she could feel it. The chain was warm, and it felt like a heartbeat was in it. Selena had cried herself out and was just lying in Alora’s arms when the chains appeared. Xena and Selena both watched as Alora tugged a little on the chain. When it didn’t seem like it did anything, Alora let it go.

Alora looked down at Selena, who was looking up at her with wet eyes. “Hello Selena, my name is Alora, it’s nice to meet you.”

Selena’s eyes watered and her lips trembled. “H.h.hello A.alora.” she said, then sat up and wiped her eyes before giving Alora a watery smile. “I’m so glad, I’m so glad.” A few tears trailed down her cheeks again and Selena wiped them away with trembling hands.

Xena lifted her head from Selena’s lap “Hello Selena, my name is Xena, I’m glad I can finally meet our Sprite.”

A sob shook Selena, then she threw herself forward and hugged Xena’s neck. Xena laid her head over Selena’s shoulder, and Alora could see the same heartbreak she was feeling reflected in Xena’s eyes. With tears of her own pouring down her cheeks, Alora leaned against Selena’s back. Laying her head on Selena’s other shoulder, Alora hugged her from behind.

Xena was truly glad to finally meet their Sprite. “I always knew there was a part of us missing. I could smell your scent, but I was never able to find you.” Xena said in an emotion filled voice.

been able to smell Selena’s presence in their space, but never saw, heard, or felt her. Selena sobbed as she told them how she was so happy now that the spell no longer bound them away from each other. In broken and stuttered words, Selena told Xena and Alora about how she could always see

hugged Selena tighter, her heart hurting for her and Xena’s Sprite. “We’re together now, we will never be separated like this ever again.” she vowed. Being separated the way they were, it spoke volumes about just how cruel

that their space had undergone another change. Then it was so dark they had no

except for those on the willow, became such a dark green they were almost black. The tree leaves that were of other colors and the ones on the willow, like the flowers, began to glow with their own

the gray marble shelves. Above, the sky became a deep

river rock was also glowing. Round Japanese paper lanterns, placed at regular intervals on the walking bridge, glowed like they had small round balls of flame inside. Painted

up out of the water in a dazzling display as the moonlight

and vines of the willow tree glowed along with its leaves and flowers. It was the only tree that was glowing entirely, even

up here and there under the ground all the way to the black sand surrounding the pond. The willow was noticeably bigger now, than it had been before the metal band broke off its

off their faces and the three looked around curiously

it look

their eyes wide in

the willow tree. “Our tree…it is bigger.” Now that Selena was no longer sobbing

Alora looked at Selena as she spoke clearly. “Your voice…when you speak, there is the sound of tinkling bells and chimes

them both mutely, not knowing how to

sound is beautiful.” Alora said, smiling. “It’s like a song is playing while you

the small smile that curled the corners of

a wind full of power swirled around them. Hand and paw width wide silver metal bracers appeared

an inch wide. In the center of the crown, inside the band, was a luminescent white circular disk. Traveling up the band on either side of the white disk that represented a full moon, were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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