*”And just where have you been…?”*

Rankin Northmountain was furious as he could do nothing but obey the dual commands. given to him by Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember. They were not supposed to give a member of the Werewolf Council an order like this. No matter what that dinosaur from the Supernatural Council had said. Rankin tried to fight the order again and was viciously racked with pain before his body continued to obey the order he was given.

Rankin snarled internally, he hated pain, to the point he went to great lengths to avoid it. His dislike of pain had him eternally stuck as an omega level fighter. However, the joke was on all those other lowly omegas who thought he was one of them. He wasn’t, he was infinitely more powerful than those omegas, he was a Senior Council Werewolf. He was allowed to mate from the Frost and Northmountain Clans.

Granted the bitch was a reject as not all her coloring was right. If Leanna’s honey brown hair had just been a few shades lighter, the dual colors of her gray blue eyes less gray and bluer, and her peach-colored skin a few shades lighter, he never would have been given her. Rankin made sure to remind her of it every time he forced her to service him. He made sure

Leanna knew he was the only male who could stomach her ugly coloring.

He also made sure Leanna knew his title as a Council Werewolf was the only reason she

was still remotely accepted as a Clan member. Although she was treated as invisible unless it was necessary. Leanna was nothing more than a tool, and she knew it. It was beaten into her several times a week, especially after one of her suicide attempts. Rankin loved the utter devastation in her eyes when she woke up alive, after thinking she had escaped him through


Rankin laughed internally, if she hadn’t been bound when she was a child, Leanna might have been able to fight back. However, without her wolf, she was no better than a lowly disgusting human. Rankin walked into the Werewolf’s Council building, and tried to fight the

direction his body was going in. More pain ran through his body, and he was sure that after

all this was over, he would go work his mate over to make himself feel better.

slow himself down, the paperwork was officially filed in just those ten minutes. Once done, he felt the commands he was under fall away. Once free of the commands, he started to

when he told them of the dual commands by the Alpha and Luna. Rankin practically ran to his office, slamming the door shut and locking

the breath he had been holding in a gush of

you been, Rankin?” Came

eyes made him freeze. It felt like his entire body had just been submerged in ice water. “A.a.a.alphas…w.w.what an… u.unexpected surprise. What can

us?” Clan Alpha Frost asked Rankin, his

would have mercy upon him if he explained he had no choice but to obey, died a pitiful death in the face of their deadly

blood painted his office door. His screams would remain. trapped in the office, never to reach the other side of

inside Alora, and everyone was ushered to find their mode of transportation back to the school. Luckily, the school

seat of Darien’s car again, wondered if she should text Damien and tell him about Selena. After a bit of thought that lasted the short drive back to the school, Alora decided to wait till Damien’s call

and under her collarbone, would definitely raise questions. It was too late to go back to Bettina and Allister’s to change into

the car and joined Alora in enough time to see her sigh as she looked at her ankles. Darien was about to say something to try and offer

straight, and her

she was seeing in the female. It was like Serenity was seeing the true

lot. Pulling up and parking next to them, were the rest of the group


Jaxon all professing how amazing it would be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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