Chapter 63: *“We need to know…..“*

Damien and Xander were walking to their dorm, on a break between written exams, when

Xander suddenly collapsed to the ground. Clutching his chest, Xander let out a guttural cry

of pain.

Damien knelt on the ground next to Xander, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “What happened?”

“Beatrice!” He gasped out. “Something happened to Beatrice!“.

Damien looked at Xander with a worried frown, his Beta was pale and covered in a sheen of sweat. Getting a better grip on Xander, Damien helped him up. “Come on, let’s get back to my room, then we can call home and find out what’s happening.”

As they walked, Xander slowly gained back his strength, enough so that he was able to walk the last hallway to Damien’s room unassisted. “The pain has lessened, someone is there helping her.” Xander said, relief in his hoarse voice.

“That’s good. Who do you want us to call first.” Damien asked, after his friend sat weakly in one of his sitting room chairs.

Xander leaned his head back against the chair, his eyes closed and a frown on his face. “My father, he already knows Beatrice is my fated mate.”

Damien nodded and pulled out his phone to make the call. “Damien? Why did you call, is something the matter?” Boris asked when the call connected.

“Hey, Uncle Boris, there is something that is causing some concern. Do you know if anything has happened to Beatrice?” Damien asked him.

There was a moment of silence from Boris’s side. “Is Xander all right, did he feel something just now?”

Boris’s words had Damien stiffening, something did happen to Beatrice, and Boris knew what it was. “He collapsed on our way back to the dorms from our last written exam. He’s better now, but still a little pale and shaky, can you tell me what happened?”

Xander, listening to the conversation, had lifted his head. His gaze was sharp, his expression hard. Boris let out a sigh of resignation. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

Xander was now on his feet, and walking to where he stood by the window. “I think it

idea not to tell us, Xander isn’t going to let this go.” Damien told Boris. Damien was trying to maintain a calm demeanor, something made difficult by his wolf when he suddenly

to focus.‘ Damien told his wolf. Zane

Alora this morning. I’m currently investigating it, but Sarah Northmountain is

out a furious snarl at Sarah’s name. “We need to know what happened to Beatrice.”

wolf, after all, this had to do with his mate. “Sarah had Beatrice, Lauren, and Agatha bound to her with Black Magic spells. The spells made them obedient to Sarah, and using that control, Sarah forced Beatrice to reject

demanded, the growl of his

“Xander?” Boris asked.

here with me, I brought him back to my room after he collapsed before calling you.” Damien

the spells were broken, the females abruptly came back to consciousness, fully aware of everything they had done while under the spell’s influence.” Boris paused to clear his throat again. “I gathered from all their reactions, the things Sarah had them do…. were horrific to say the least. I believe they

“Thank you, Uncle Boris, we’ll talk more later.”

losing it. Grabbing Xander’s shoulders, Damien forced him to look him in the eye. “Calm down.”

entire body shuddered twice before his eyes stopped glowing, and he visibly relaxed. Xander had to clear his throat twice before

anything in response, just patted him on his shoulders and let him go. Turning to look out the window at the grounds of the school, looking bright and cheerful under the afternoon sun, Damien focused on

is hurting, her heart hurts and we are not there to

will be calling her tonight, it might not be the same as being there, but we can at least give her our words.‘ Damien told his wolf. It wasn’t much, but it


my heart hurts so much for you.” Luna Ember said, before gathering her into her arms, holding

mother.‘ Even in her own mind, Alora’s thoughts were hesitant. If Alora was honest with herself, she was afraid to trust, even when feeling she could. Emotions squeezed her heart painfully, it took everything in her not to break

told her, her

her go, with a motherly smile, Ember gently cupped her cheek. “Okay, for now we need to


I have come

Darien asked, looking at his parents

the Mountainmovers to stay with us for the rest of the week so

SUV. While Serenity,

Darien and Serenity didn’t want to be separated, but they understood the necessity. Darien pulled out his keys and handed them to his mother,

tight hug and a deep kiss. The twins gave their mom and dad a hug before going to stand next to the Alpha. After separating from Serenity, Darien hugged his mom

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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