Chapter 18

Luna Ember’s POV

My heart aches for Alora. The poor darling has been through so much, and I’m sure there is allot we don’t know about. Especially with the way she broke down and cried earlier. That any woman would have talked to her pup in that manner was horrifying. The way Sarah turned out, and her treatment of Alora make me believe she was never fit to be a mother.

I wanted to rip the woman to pieces for the injustice she has done Alora. I sigh. There is nothing I can do at the moment. I started thinking about Darien’s mate. I’m glad he’s found his so soon. Damien is 23 and still has not met his mate. When he finally does I hope I will like her just ass

much as Serenity. 18)

I spot the Principal rushing over to where my mate and I are seated. “Johnathan what has you in such a hurry?” I asked him. “I had to tell Alpha Andrew what I have overheard.” he says to us a little breathily. “What is it?” she asks, he looks at us “I just got done talking to Alora’s parents not moments ago.” he said “I gave them the information you told me to Alpha.” he said while looking at Andrew. “But as I left, I happened to hear the wicked witch of the west talking about the Heartsong Mansion and Grounds.” Andrew’s face was now drawn with concern.

“They know that the Will, Bettina’s father left, now put that Mansion in Alora’s possession.” I gasp. I had completely forgotten about that mans Will. “And they were not happy about it.” he tells us. “They were talking

about how they’re going to force Alora to sign over the house and grounds.” I pale at his words, now understanding his fear, he has a reason for it.

“Oh Andrew, their going to do something terrible to her, I just know it.” I look at my mate. “I was going to wait till graduation before I told her about the Mansion that is rightfully hers.” said Andrew. “Now I’m thinking it’s best to do that during the lunch break.” his tone grim. “I’ll mind link Silas now and have him bring the paper work here, after Darien and Alora’s final matches.” he said, I nod letting him know I agreed. 2

while we do this.” Johnathan looked delighted to be asked

gone through to much to not have some good in her life now.” Andrew said. I can’t help but agree with

need a Beta and two Enforcers. Who would be able to be her Enforcers. Then as I’m looking at the two wolves I address Johnathan “What can you tell me about Kian and Galen Mountainmover.” I then look him in

all of their studies, they’ve been exemplary students.” he says. “They plan to go into the

have enough room to allow all three of the Mountainmover siblings. Though to be fair all three of them should have been in the Alpha class. They want to be assigned to an Alpha.” he finishes. I stay silent

and Kian would make good Enforcers

would be a good fit, he’s a sibling to the twins, a close cousin.” He informs us.

now. “Perfect, what do you think Andrew?” I ask

a wonderful Idea, we’ll wait till after the fights and we’re settled at home for the evening and let Alora know then.” he looks at Johnathan. “Please get messages to all three to meet me and the Luna at the pack house tomorrow at ten in the morning.” Johnathan nods. “I will get those prepped now and be back before the last match.” He

make sure those ‘people are still where they’re supposed to be. To my surprise they are. Also to my surprise is how well Sarah is doing as a wolf. If she keeps it up she’ll make it to the top of


in the Elite class ranking before being defeated. Allot of the

and when he fought Jamison, was advanced from seventh rank to fifth rank.

fight Jaxon

Heartsong Alpha. She did her lineage justice by changing her name. I did however find the red blood from the other wolf on her white muzzle startling. And the other wolf wasn’t able to touch Xena. After her battle with Jaxon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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