Chapter 14

Kian’s POV Watching my sister literally smash in Matt’s face had been cathartic, he fucking deserved it after what he did this morning. Fighting Galen had dragged on, we were matched on skill. Finally they called it a tie, I accepted second rank because I was the younger twin. Our sister could have fought us to get first Rank. Hell we would have given it to her, but she didn’t, she accepted third rank. She told us it’s because she’s third born and liked the numerology. 5

She was going to take lead of her own Mountain Excavation Team, she’ll be finding the best place’s to mine, deduce how much to mine before it becomes detrimental to the Mountain, mark the places that need to be left alone with an estimation of

how long, and seeing to the cultivation of already mined spots.

Me and my brother were going to be enforcers, we planned to work our way through the ranks till we reach the top. We’re going to be entering the Pack’s entry enforcer unit for training after this, if we can maintain our top Ranking through all three fighting exams. I look over at our little sister and she’s staring at her mate. He’s on the platform now. His moves are fast, fluid and damaging. I wasn’t sure of him at first.

Then knowing what I know of Alora, and that he had stayed her friend through it all, started to alter my mind. But watching him out there assures me that he would be able to adequately protect our sister, solidifying my approval. I look over at Galen as he meets my eyes and nod’s


letting me know he approves as well.

Darien finished his opponent quickly, and made his way back to his seat. There was a moment of clean up before the next match would begin. I look up at the board. Alora’s Picture and her wolf, the name showed her wolf went by the name Xena. The look in their eyes and the way they posed spoke of power. She was a woman you could devote your life to serving

It would be an honor to be assigned as this she wolf’s enforcer. She was going up against a close cousin, Jaxon Mountainmover. The moment she steps up on the platform and readies herself for the fight I could tell it was going to be quick. And it was, two hits was all it took. I look at my brother, he looks just as shocked and amazed as I am

As the crowd starts roaring in appreciation I hear my sister say “Oh shit.” she looks at us. “Darien is supposed to fight her next” her voice has a hint of hysterical horror. “Don’t worry little sis, they’ve been best friends for forever now, I’m sure he’ll be fine.” She doesn’t look completely convinced. She looks up and a look of confusion appears.

Looking up I see her mate looking worried and staring towards the reserve fighter class. I look in the direction he is and my stomach clenches. Sarah looks insane with fury, the kind of insanity that speaks of a rabid killer. “Shit.” that came from Galen, my sentiment exactly. “I’m worried for Alora.” my sister says. “I think we have good reason to worry about her.” I tell them both.

look back up to see Darien texting, the

his phone away and seems to gather himself together, getting his mind back to whats on the floor, the next match was between Mason and Jamison. My sister shakes me. “Look at Matt, he’s noticed too.” I look over and sure enough he’s

worry on his face, then back at Sarah with what I can only see as resignation, he gets a text back, after reading it, his look changes to one of relief. I could tell the text was

he was texted. It obviously had to do with Alora. “Hey after this match there’s a


you find Darien and both

mom and dad are going to want to see us, all three of us.” I look a Galen. “I’ll text them where we’ll be and

by Jamison.

Jaxon and Lexus. Although Alora took out Jaxon with only two hits, he was an amazing fighter. And now that he was back up he was able

Darien, whatever he was reading on his phone had


of his expression. That was a good thing, distraction while fighting was dangerous. I found that I was actually looking forward to watching them battle. I had a feeling it

Alora’s POV

Darien was no slouch as an opponent. But I was not first rank because he let me. I was first rank because I was that good. I wasn’t going to hold back. I hadn’t been while training with just Darien. He was good, really good. But I was still better, and we were going to give them a show. Just the thought of the battle

to the Arena side by side. I


I knew our eyes would be glittering with Alpha glares. From the reactions of every wolf we passed we were

floor and make our way to the platform. I look over at Sarah, her face is almost frothy with her rage. That made me smirk at her, which only made her twist her face more, she was ugly with her anger, it had twisted her into something

smirk turned into a full on smile, I could feel Xena’s joy at their irritation. We would no longer bow to their dictates. After this


another night

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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