Chapter 43

Alora’s POV cont’d

I had paled, my stomach protesting, my head had spun for a moment “The staff that has tended to the upkeep of the Heartsong’s holdings have been employed for generations, the Heartsong’s always paying well and treating their staff with respect.” He said, “You will have loyal people on your side.” he assured me. “You’ll also have Ember and I and then their is Darien and now Serenity, and when he gets home, Damien.” he told me. “We might not be your blood, but were more of a family then your blood ever was.” @

His statement had meant everything to me, and he was right, It was a very unusual family to say the least, but I’d take it happily. “Your right Alpha, thank you.” I told him, he blushed a little, cleared his throat then continued. “Also, speaking of blood, I’m starting to worry part of your test was tampered with, not with your maternal connection to the Heartsong’s, but to Allister,” he said to me. I had looked at him, It had been like he’d read my mind “I have had my suspicion of it recently as well.” I had told him. 3

“What I can do is order Allister to come to me, I will have Ember draw his blood, then she’ll run the test herself.” he tells me. “We’ll have it done tomorrow, Ember will take a fresh blood sample from you in the morning.” he said. “Why tomorrow?” I had asked him, wanting to know way the rush. “It’s tied to why I believe the King of Vampires is visiting, and your scent changed after you passed out at lunch.” he told me.

“When you woke up, those markings around your ankles and wrists were not all that changed about you, and the blood fire seal is not a werewolf’s magic.” he’d said. “Do you know what kind it is?” I’d asked him. “I do.” he had said grimly. “It’s Vampire magic.” he had fallen silent, looking at me, letting me connect the dots on my own. “You think my father is actually a Vampire?” I’d asked him. “Yes.” he’d said. “We need the blood test to confirm it.” He’d told me. I had nodded “Okay, I’ll give Ember blood in the morning.” I’d said to himThis novel will be daily updtaed at

“Hopefully by the time your finished with your last test we’ll have the results ready for you to look at with us.” he had said. He got up “There is a motor bike for you here at the pack house, I hope you like the color, it’s purple, Ember picked it out. It’s a Honda CBR1000, it’s supposed to be fast and sporty.” he told me. I had smiled, happy for my own mode of transportation. “It’s a gift, you deserve it after working so hard on your education.” He said. I had felt full to bursting, this was what family did. O

me.” I had said, tears in my tone. “Ah. little pup, you’ve been suffering a terrible injustice for to long, I’m glad we were finally able to get you away from those people.”

I see lights go on in two different balcony windows side by side directly across from me in the other wing, the Communal wing. The boys must be back now, wonder if they already gave Serenity her things, they must have arrived by the time I

needed at the moment, for the chaos inside me. So much has happened in such a short time, and I was still processing most of it. One of which was that my mother has apparently been evil since

Hybrid. How’s that for going out and finding yourself. Most people come back with a new state of mind, me however. I come back with a whole new species, that I hadn’t know till now I was.

on the floor between the open doors. I sat in a meditative position and closed my

more now. The bookshelves from my space were here, placed around her willow with purple bark and glowing blue flowers. But if I look closer at those flowers, I could see they were cherry blossoms. My shelves,

melted together. I’m naked again, with my hair swinging free down my back, the stars twinkling among the strands. Here my tattoos and crown were physical manifestations their

earth and grass, down an isle created by the staggered rows of bookshelves, walking toward the pond, with the brightly colored koi, I was looking for Xena. I see her sitting on the shore of the

spaghetti strap tank. Looking down the shorts are white and glow slightly, my top is black, but not just plain black. The top looked like it was made of swirling shadows and the nights sky, it was low cut showing my cleavage, I didn’t bother with a bra. Though my chest was large, I was a werewolf, so my breasts were

only the tip of the sun here could be seen, the moon was now fill and bright.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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