Chapter 46


King Sabastian’s POV

I get back to my body, and I roar with my anguish and anger. “I WILL HAVE MY VENGENCE FOR EVERY SCAR MY DAUGHTER CARRIES ON HER SPRITE FORM!!!” I roar in pain at what was done to my daughter. “BETTINA I WILL RIP YOU TO PEICES FOR EVERY WRONG YOU’VE DONE HER!!!” tears poor from my eyes. Stephanie has her arms wrapped around me. Clutching me to her breasts. “Oh Bas, Goddess, what has that woman done to our girl?” she breaths out, feeling my pain through our bond. I couldn’t help but let another long roar of pain sound at the horror my daughter has had to survive, and almost didn’t “AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” my throat raw by the time I stopped. 23

Alora’s POV

My father had been beautiful and so handsom. At least six foot six. Broad shoulders with long white hair, tan skin and white eyes rimmed in red. I could not believe my true birth father was King of all the Vampires. And he had looked at me like he wanted me as his daughter, he didn’t have any hate in his eyes for me. I got to hug him, and would see him in person Saturday. I was excited. Then there was meeting Selena, and feeling like a missing piece of the puzzle that was me was finally in place. The world had shifted and felt like it was right now. Accepting Selena had brought a whole new level of power, and an infinite amount of magical knowledge. 10

I had a new understanding of myself and my powers, more then I ever did before. I also seethed a bit in anger. She had taken everything from me. I would never forgive her for this. I wanted her to answer for her crimes. Not just for us, but for our father. Somehow I didn’t think Bettina was going to get out of this. I couldn’t call her mom anymore. She was never a mother to me, she was an incubator, one who despised having birthed me. The closest woman I had to a mother was Luna Ember. She genuinely cared about me, and now that she was no longer having to show restraint, had showered me in affection at dinner. She was what, Bettina, should have been to me.

Discovering Selena, and finding out the sacrifice she had made for our survival, had been emotional. I was now exhausted, more complete then ever before, but emotionally, mentally and physically drained. This day has been way to long. Looking at the clock I see that it’s now five minutes till two. After our father had left, Xena, Selena and I had sat at the shore of our pond in our ‘space’ and talked. Looking at Selena I saw every bit of abuse I had suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to have loved me, cared for me. (3)

upon me no child should have had to experience. The woman who birthed me, had abused me from birth. She had my wolf bound, she had my sprite bound, she had bound the life chain connecting me to my father. Then using the death of another child, had deceived my father into thinking the pup she bore him

Sarah loved to stab me, to slice me up. She got some kind of sick pleasure out of it. Selena had answered a lot of

and those shadows contained a vast amount of secrets.

wolf side, and you have what is basically a powerhouse. If I hadn’t already been aware that I was a freak of nature, this knowledge made it glaringly apparent. Not like I don’t really care. The song Queen of Freaks by AVIVA went through my head, the main chorus really, so I sing it

“I’m a freeeeak”

And you know it”

“I’m a freeeeak”

“Don’t I show it?”

“I’m a freeeeak”

“And I own it”

and play with

a copy of mine and Xena’s, was the same way. The colors swapped out, the white hair seemed to rise off her in waves of light vapor, it was a beautiful sight, she was mystical looking. She told us with her released, our forms would look different when

my skin will darken to look like dark chocolate, and my hair will be made of shadows and stars. The jewelry shining even brighter against the darkness. If she melds with Xena’s wolf form her fur looks like moving vapors of white light. Selena melding with Xena and I in our half form will have us looking like we were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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