Chapter 59

Victor’s POV

The more I heard of Alora’s story, the more I admired her, the fact that she had survived all of that. Her life had been a nightmare, the pain she suffered deep. She became stronger, and was now free. To have suffered such as a pup, and to have to suffer molestation and an attempted rape from the man she thought was her father. Then she got to the explanation of her Sprite. Our Sprites, even for Hybrids, carry those scars instead.

She got up off the counter, and stood before us. Then she closed her eyes and said “Selena.”

The tattoos I didn’t even notice till now, turning to physical jewelry, a crown appearing across her forehead. Her hair, unbound itself from the double braids they had been in, the ties disappearing somewhere. It became a living moving shadow with thousands of tiny stars sparkling from it. Her body grew tall, to six foot four, she got a little leaner, almost as if she was stretched. Her curves stayed though, she had breasts large, round and perky, her bottom firm and round.

Her skin darkened to a dark chocolate, that’s when they appeared. All those silver marks, they were everywhere, everywhere but her face, she even had scars on her neck. Some were obviously from a knife, others burns, and most from a whip.

“So many.” I can’t help but gasp out my horror at the pain she’s so clearly suffered. The silver of her scars are flat to her skin, like silver paint, the darker the paint, the deeper the scar. My gasp had been echoed by the others in the room.

She’s beautiful, even with all those scars. But those scars…the wounds they were from. My mind barley able to process the horrors she had gone through with each wound rendered, her torment so evident. Her power and strength radiated out from her, I was in the Presence of more that just a Lunar Princess. 3

This was my Clan Alpha. I go down to one knee in front of this powerful being, “I Victor Heartsong Bloodmoon swear to you my oath of loyalty, and beg acceptance as your Gamma.” I say.

to you my

glowing Violet ones, the silver rim gleaming. She grabs my right hand in hers, I can’t help but think her hands are beautiful as well, long strong fingers. Her nails long and pointy, with slightly rounded tips. No, those were not nails, those

somehow lyrical voice. I nod my head, knowing this would mean I would be

in a

to draw a line across my wrist, not cutting to the artery, just enough to draw a thin line of blood. With the same claw she opens a line on her own wrist. She brought both together “Then by your blood and mine I accept your oath of loyalty, you are now my Gamma, I

through me in a scattering of electricity, not exactly painful, but not comfortable either. I felt it snap in pace, my connection complete. She was my Alpha, and I her Gamma.

question. “Do you swear by


moment. Then she accepts Jaxon’s oath the same way, with a cut to both of their wrists, she puts them together. I wasn’t comfortable seeing Jaxon bleed, it was an instinctive aversion to my mate

and mine I accept your oath of loyalty, you are now my Beta, I claim you as Clan.” Her voice echoed

Clan. He was not only my mate, he was my Beta. I shivered a little, remembering how Beta to my Gamma he

look at her, just staring, a look of almost worship in their eyes. Then in unison they kneel

They say the same oath as we had, only it was to serve her as her Enforcers. She asks that same question, it was important, the start of the

and she claims them as Clan. The bond snaps in place. It’s so much deeper than that of other Clans. With her

being, would be of the greatest honor. I could feel her power through our Clan bond now. She was so powerful. I

granted the honor to serve this being. Mine and Jaxon’s bond was deeper than normal. We were bound as werewolves, but I was a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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