Chapter 61

Damien’s POV

It felt so good to hear her voice in my ears. It soothed my wolf, soothed my own tension. I wish I was there with her now, but if all went well tomorrow morning, I could be there tomorrow night. Xander and I had not been the only ones, to get all the basics out of the way our first years here, the others had as well. This meant we were all able to get our sit down exams out of the way, our physical exam was tomorrow morning. O


There were only six of us, meaning only three rounds for me, for each form, I would have nine battles tomorrow. I will fight each one as fast as I could, but I couldn’t be stupid about it, stupidity got you defeated and killed. I was the next Alpha of Alpha’s, I would win all my battles.

I hadn’t been able to resist asking her to sing. Her “Only for you Damien.” making me feel more than possessive. I was definitely a little jealous of the time everyone else was getting with her. Time she deserved though, she deserved the warmth and love my family could give her. So although I was jealous, I would not bemoan any of their time together, nor will I in the future.

My mate needed a taste of normal in her life, at least as normal as you can get with a bunch of werewolves. At least if I was there, I could be next to her, be apart of giving her the happiness she deserves. I needed to be home, her telling me she missed me too, made that want all the greater. Almost a driving need I couldn’t give into, until tomorrow afternoon.

I was laid out on my bed in my dorm apartment. Arms behind my head, trying to relax, so I could get some rest before tomorrows battles. I think about the times I caught Alora singing. I melt now internally, just as I had melted then.

The memory bringing forth those threads that had wrapped around me with her song. The connection feeling stronger than before, almost a chain like strength. I reveled in that feeling, that strengthening of the bond. It meant our mate bond when formed would be deeper….unbreakable.

My phone dings, interrupting my thoughts. It’s from Darien, “Hey bro what are you doing right now?” he asks me.

was not exactly a good way, to start a

some footage of Alora you need to watch….and it would be better if

would it be better if I was alone?” I ask

it’s really upsetting, I need you to remember she’s free of those people now.” he

in the videos?” I

the video’s for yourself.” he

the thought of what it could possibly

my brother sends is two different recordings. One is from the Security cameras in the kitchen at the Pack House, they had audio and video. The other one was taken by what had to be Darien’s cell phone. I watched the security recording first. My fury built and built with every pain filled word. I would have revenge for every wound dealt her.

night. I will get through those fights and head to her tomorrow, I wouldn’t wait till the next morning. They had punished her, for her involvement with us, hearing how she would have died

he snarls, ‘She will not die!’

the rest of what went on, and in a different view. I watched her face. I saw her transformation, that was something I never new till now. Allister

transformation into her Sprite form, Selena, was magnificent, and sexy. Then seeing those silver marks on her skin, like paint. The darker the silver, the deeper the wound. They were everywhere, I sob out a howl of pain and fury at all those marks. This is what

so husky some days. Play a game to see how much they could make her scream? That one making my wolf whimper and growl alternately. We would seek

she formed her Pack, and Clan bonds. Her being a Vampire, the blood oath

a pup, she was now full grown, A Clan Alpha

King Sabastian’s POV

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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