Chapter 71

Alora’s POV

The sounds of birds happily chirping away woke me. The smell of spring blowing in through the open balcony door. I’m so comfortable I don’t want to move. It takes a moment for me to realize why I was so warm and cozy. His breathing up and down as he slept was lulling. My cheek was pressed against his shoulder, one of my arms on his chest. A leg over his thigh. I contemplated just staying put, but I wanted to look at him.

So I sit up, the arm he had around my waist falling away from me. His hand was on top of the one I had on his chest. He had been holding me to him in his sleep. Staring down at him, the light from the balcony doorway spilling across the floor to the bed, casting his lower half in light, his upper half still shaded from the early morning light. As I watch him sleep, I start to compose, a song from my heart. After a moment, I start to sing it softly.

Here I sit, watching you sleep

Your face relaxed, so soft and sweet

Free of tension, that had you beat

My heart swells, so full it’s bursting

My love for you, sings in my body

My love for you, swims through my blood

My love for you, ties my soul to yours

My love for you, is for all eternity

Eternally yours, I’ll always be that to you

Eternally yours, I’ll never leave your side

Eternally yours, I’ll carry you whenever your weak

Eternally yours, I’ll be your strength whenever you need

sit, blessed with your

banished by your


scent, wrapped around me so

beating only

here for you, I’ll be there always if ever

here for you, I’ll put you

you, I’ll always dry your tears

her for you, I’ll give my life for

you lying next

your hair, as

like I’m

heart swells, it’s

and Always, I will love

and always, I

and Always, I will be


I sit, My

I sit,

I sit, I’m

sit, Forever and

I feel it like a warm blanket around my heart. I smiled back at him, let everything I was feeling for him fill my gaze. “How long have you been awake.” I ask softly, knowing he had only been keeping

with a hand and gently brushed a finger down my cheek “I was waiting to see what you would do.” His eyes were melting me into puddle a of ooey goey Hybrid. “I


me.” he whispers softly.

the back of my head in one palm, he pulls me forward in a gentle and sweet kiss. It wasn’t rushed, or overly sexual. But it set every one of my atoms on fire. This male was my mate, and by the tent made under the blanket, he was more than willing

having him inside me again. It was just as I started moving aside the blanket to


into a sitting position clutching a portion to his now deflated member. He looks down at his lap and says “Well that’s one way to get my hard on to go away.” I shoot out a small giggle at his comment “Nothing says big bad Alpha like your mother threatening to spank you.” his tone wry.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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