Chapter 108

Alora’s POV con’d

With the shout of the new wolf I looked over to where he, and several other wolves were standing, each had their legs spread to balance themselves on the once shaking ground, and were looking at me as well. I could feel instantly these were some of my Clan wolves. Time to start acting like the Clan Alpha. I step forward and let my aura out, so they could feel what I was, their eyes widen in surprise.

“My name is Alora Luna Heartsong. Clan Alpha, of the Heartsongs.” I told them in an Alpha tone. They felt my power and status, knew my words rang true. They had all been told they had a new Alpha. I would need to hold a banquet for my Clan, so they could all meet…know who their Clan Alpha was.

Victor.” I mind linked him.

“Yes my Alpha” he says in acknowledgment.

“How quickly can you get a Clan banquet together” I asked him

“I can have one put together as quickly as tomorrow night.” He tells me.

“Good, I need to meet the rest of my Clan members and they need to meet me.” I told him.

“I will get on it now.” He tells me.

Thank you Victor” I tell him.

“It’s my honor Alpha” he says to me.

The new wolves were offering their necks in submission to their Alpha. “Up, and tell me your names and ranking.” I say to them. 2

They all get up and then form a line in front of me, there were eleven wolves in total, a few of them hybrids. They introduced themselves one by one. The wolf who had yelled out was Caleb Blackstone. He was a lower level Werewolf Vampire Hybrid, more Werewolf then Vampire. I let them all know we were going to be training, and if they wanted to watch or participate they could.

gasps of surprise, on some of the new wolves faces were looks of wonder. Looking back at the

my Kitsune form, it’s named Starlight.” I tell them, they’re surprised at my voice sounding

gorgeous sweetie.” said my



smile brighter even as I blush

at me, love in every bit of his expression “You look

overwhelming happiness I was feeling, I turn to Moon, Victor had already shifted, and asked “Are

he says, his voice chimed

to be at least ten acres in diameter. The others already knowing how this worked directed the others to the raised stadium seating, The seating was actually shaded by the Decking that extended out over them from the

long stairways leading up to the first rows of seating before continuing up to the tenth row of seating, they were the main

bigger then any other stadium I have been to, including the schools. This was where the whole Pack should be holding the training battles and rank advancement tournaments. I think I will mention that to

allowed our magic to flow forward, to surround us.

feel our very deep and strong connection the earth, it feels amazing…so much life’ said Xena.

there’s something about that

it out later, time to train‘

I look forward and Moon is ready like I was, having released

and a powerful jump of our legs,

Damien’s POV

the seating, we don’t want to

Once seated we all turn back to see the two in the middle of the arena. It was just as big as I remembered, the last time I was here, I had been just a pup. Hopefully Alora would be willing to host future Pack events


in the first row in front of me. Kass, Kian, Bella, Galen, Xander, Beatrice, Darien and Serenity in the third row of seating, behind

started to become loud as the sky darkened and the Clan members were asking each other questions and offering speculations. The questions and speculations turned

a fifteen story tall grove of trees, was a massive ten story parking garage with four of those stories underground, and was the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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