Chapter 128


Damien’s POV

The battle between Starlight and Moyra went on for a while before I decided to call a halt to it worried that if they went further our pup would be affected. “Okay, time to rest, come back to the stands.“ I told them both through mind link, my mate feeling my worry complied immediately. O

The clouds above cleared away as Starlight and Moyra rained in their power, then they transformed back and made their way up to us. The wards faded till they were no longer visible. I could see several cell phones and camera’s being put into laps as wolves started to go over their footage. I’ll have to check out the Pack forum later, these video’s would definitely be posted. I’d also get a copy of Darien’s recording and Serenity’s pictures. 2

I stand up as Alora reaches me, and I draw her into my arms, just holding her close for a moment, savoring this connection to my mate. I found the craving for her touch nearly all consuming. Once Zane and I felt soothed, I was able to stop smothering her. I let her go enough for her to look up at me with a loving smile.

“Let’s go to our room so you can take a rest.” I tell her, she nods her agreement, then I turn to look at Alex and Tobias. “You two should take your mate to your new quarters for a rest as well, follow us and we’ll show you where.” I tell them, then me and my mate take off, we take the inner stairs to the hallway, then we head in the direction of the hallway leading into the Mansions courtyard. 2

The Mansion has four wings. North, South, East and West. The South wing was the front of the Mansion, the North wing was the back of the Mansion, the West wing was on the left, the East Wing on the right. Our rooms were in the East wing on the sixth floor, there was an entrance into the East wing halfway down the hallway that led to the courtyard. The entrance to the underground garage was on the West side. 3

When we enter, there are dual staircases that lead to the upper floors, they are wide and made of a dark cherry color wood. They looked elegant and ancient at the same time. across from us are two elevators, one of the modern conveniences the Alpha before last had added. We take the elevator up to our floor, then we walk to our rooms. I point out which one now belongs to Alex, Tobias and Bulma.

we enter the front

seating area. The bed was a double king size four poster with dark purple velvet drapes. I close the door to


Alora’s POV

neck then to my mark. His nibbles and licks

he strips my tank off

I wrap my legs around his hips he slams

as I’m about to climax again, I feel my teeth lengthen and I bite down on his mark, I feel power soaking into me with each mouthful of his blood I take. The spicy sweet taste of his blood was addicting. We climaxed together, he came

still holding me up against him, staggers us to the bed and we collapse side ways on it. He starts to pet me, soothing me, like always, I think he just liked to feel my skin under his fingers. Not that I minded at all, I loved his touch, it brought so much comfort and love. The wave of power hits

look up into his eyes and they have the glassy look of a mind link conversation. Then he relaxes a bit, but a frown appears on his mouth, after a moment his eyes clear as his conversation ends and he looks me in the eyes. “Father wants us to

a Clinic downstairs?” I ask him in

two floors of this wing and the North wing are a Clinic and a medical training center apparently, there is also a research lab here as well. So you can actually do your work here at

“Wow.” I’m really impressed.

how up to date it is and how it’s run. I’ll also need to see about the Clinic as well. I was suddenly curious as to what all was here in this Mansion and inside the Training Arena’s building. It seemed the Heartsong Clan could be a self sustaining village all on it’s own. We get up and shower, Damien blow dries and brushes my hair, then he braids it for me. He pulls his hair

go down to the first floor using the elevators again. When

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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