Chapter 132

Alora’s POV

After our nap, I felt refreshed, and a need for some exercise, so I mind link Tobias, Alex and Darien, and tell them to meet me in the training arena. Darien had been coming here with Serenity so she could visit her brothers on a daily bases. When he wasn’t by her side, he was with Damien and I, he watched us as I got my plans for my Clan put together, and we learned all we needed to run it. 2

Damien follows me to the training field, always making sure I was okay. We get to the field and Darien, Alex and Tobias are already there, then Master Brock, Xander, Beatrice, Master Sam, Victor, Jaxon, Kian, Galen, Kass, Bella and Bulma show up. Seems we were going to all have plenty of exercise before dinner. When everyone was gathered they all looked to me and Damien. Damien looked at me and nodded, basically saying, this is your show, and I’m here if you need me.

“Okay everyone, I just want us to do boxing and martial arts, everything will be in human form and without magic. I want us to be strong even at our weakest, our most vulnerable. Darien you Alex and Tobias are training with me. Damien, you’ll be training with Master Brock and Master Sam. Victor and Jaxon will be training with Xander. Kian and Galen, you will be training with Beatrice. Cass, Bella and Serenity, you will be training with Bulma.” I tell them.

Every one splits into their assigned groups and we find spots for our training. Alex and Tobias were looking at me like they were questioning whether or not I could handle it. Darien looked at them then smirked “You two won’t know what hit ya till you fight her bare handed.” he says in a wry tone


I sweep one foot behind me and enter into a prepared stance, Darien gets into his own. Tobias and Alex look at each other, then with looks of determination, both got into boxing stances. I smile, they’re so cute, thinking that would be enough.

With a giggle I explode into action. I go in high just to drop low at the last second to sweep Tobias and Alex’s legs out from underneath them, then I come up in a spin and get Darien in the chest, sending him back a few feet.

I flip a few times and get back into the position that I was originally in, waiting for my opponents to gather themselves. Tobias and Alex are giving me looks of surprise, Darien sees them and says “I told you so.” in a gloating tone, the two wolves growl at him, which only makes him laugh harder at their expense.

They all enter their own martial arts stance this time, after a moment, I attack again, this time, they were better prepared for it. They were still no match for me however. I go in for ground, mid and high strikes. Never in a pattern, adjusting on a dime. (1)

I use sweeping kicks and flowing movements to block or misdirect hits, retreating here and there before coming back to knock down my opponent. The exercise was soothing to me, the burn of my muscles as I put them to use, the simplicity of hand to hand, no magic, no weapons.

It was the boys, laying on the ground groaning for mercy that put a halt to our training battle. I look


crossed with one eyebrow raised. You three need to up

with a groan, I laughed at


were covered in dirt and looked like they took a fair beating. Bulma had blood coming out

covered in dirt, Serenity less so than the others. Bulma spits blood on the ground and her

spits more blood onto the ground. “And although she looks so cute and harmless.” pausing to spit

mean her mouth would keep filling with blood till it was stopped. “This little girl is not some weak helpless little female, I’m lucky

“Get up.” at him in an annoyed tone. He laughs

saw that!” he crows

smile off my face I look at him in wide eyed innocence “Saw what?” I asked, making sure my tone was just as innocent as my

I know you to well, you just smiled at my pain!” He says in a dramatic

innocent card “Why Darien…whatever do you

buy this act and you know it!” He says

I was gasping for air. The others having watched our interaction laughed as well, Serenity was by his side and had her face turned, she started to giggle,

with exaggerated surprise and offence. This

case anyone cares….my face hurts. Bulma said in an aggrieved tone “Can we go in and

I’m distracted by Damien walking over with Master Brock and Master


Damien seemed fine other than

on me, but I was bleeding in some spots. I look back up at

in the direction following behind, talking to each other. We go to the front of the Clinic, while were in the waiting room, Luna Ember in a white physicians

shock and confusion. “What the hell have you all been up too?! You all look like you’ve been rolling

around in the dirt.” Darien says while running a hand through

her voice was elevated and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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