Chapter 149

Damien’s POV con’d

It was a long moment before Zane spoke again. ‘The Willow tree was a doorway to her Godmother, but when the Queens and Kings of the Courts sealed all of Underhill, against any who did not have Fae blood in them…the doorway to her Godmother’s was closed.’ He said, his voice holding sorrow for his mate. ‘It broke both Luna and her mother’s hearts when they could no longer go and see the earth Fae’ He said.

‘You haven’t said their names’ I told him.

“The surname of the Fae’s family was Terrasalices, her given name was Caeruleum Terrasalices, it meant Blue Earth Willow. Luna’s mother, Stella, always called her Blue. While she would in turn call Luna’s mother Star, because that’s what their names meant. They were really like two sisters, and Luna loved her Godmother Blue, and all of Blue’s family. They were all very close, we were close to them as well, so when the door’s were closed, it was like loosing an entire Clan of our Pack…everyone felt it.’ he tells me.

“Damien….what’s wrong, it feels like your heart is breaking…what happed?” Alora askes me in a worried and companionate voice through our mind link. 3

‘Get our mate to wait till tonight for an explanation….I want to be in their space when we tell them….please?’ he said that last word in a low and pleading tone. Not wanting to cause Zane more distress I do what he asks of me.

“I promise Zane and I will explain, but he wants to wait till tonight, while we’re in your space, to explain.” I tell her through our mind link, keeping our conversation private.

I can see her frown out of the corner of my eye, she seems to think about it, her expression was worried, but eventually she nodded. “If that is what you need, I will wait till tonight for the explanation.” she finally says.

Breathing a sigh of relief I tell her “Thank you mate, I love you.”

“I love you too.” she said, lifting the sorrow that had blanketed Zane and I just seconds earlier. 2

my question?” Asher

for a

take Sunny into the Willow Tree Library when we get back to the Mansion?” he

almost immediately. “Oh yes, I’m sure she’ll love it, she’s probably going to love the City

so?” he

a Werewolf populated City, so I think she’ll love it.” Alora says in a bright tone, I can feel



that if she had a tail, it would

to my face. “What

We’ll see how it goes after my meeting with the Alpha and two of his wolves tonight

six hours away from the one we bedded down at last night. From what I was told, even though the wolves had been working in the area we got pulled over in that night, they had actually just been filling in at that department temporarily, for two

those wolves that night. They had been doing something good in a town hours from their own home, families, Clan and Pack…and we had acted like total Jackasses to them. Alora puts her hand on my leg, it startles me out of my thoughts, and I feel the warmth and the love she has for me

the Goddess for the treasure she had blessed me with as my mate.”

her soft lips “I thank the Goddess for giving me you as my mate too my darling.” she says. “Focus on driving my mate, everything will work itself out tonight.” she tells

she says, putting my guilt to the back of my mind for now, I focus

Alora’s POV

had a rocky shore. The City was a marvel, there was greenery all over the buildings, whether they were small or tall, and they all had roof top gardens. There were areas in the City dedicated to water fountains and plant and tree life, with public gardens here and

This was were the

the whole floor as his home. The Alpha

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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