Chapter 156

Damien’s POV

Alora’s phone ringing woke me up, my mate was still asleep against my chest, looking at the clock I could see that we had only been asleep for two hours. I knew it was Alora’s phone ringing because of the ring tone.

It wasn’t one of her personalized ringtones, the ones she had set up to match the personality of the one calling her. It was her generic ring tone, ‘Our Truth’ by Lacuna Coil, who would be calling my mate at three in the morning. I ignored it the first time through, thinking it was a fluke. But it started to ring again almost the moment it stopped.

Making sure not to wake my mate up I move her off my chest and onto the bed, reluctantly leaving her side. I dig through the clothes on the floor, pulling her phone out of her pants. I look at the number and I don’t recognize it, the area code was strange, the region it was assigned to was large, remote, and basically a dead zone, it was surrounded by a toxic haze no one has been able to identify, so none of the Supernaturals or humans could settle near or around there.

There were rumors saying an ancient city was behind the haze, but as it was so toxic, no one could explore the region to confirm this rumor. Those who have tried have never returned, the Council’s and Governments decided the region was off limits nearly a century ago. So how was it Alora was getting a call from a phone with that regions area code.

Then I remembered the extremely small town that was on the border of the region, just outside the line drawn by the Governments and the Councils. It was the only town within hundreds of miles of that region, it was a port town, a sorting point in the transport and shipping of supplies. While I was thinking about this, the phone stopped ringing. After a moment it started to ring again, the same number, whoever they were, they were being persistent.

While the phone was ringing I grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped them on before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I walk through the large condo till I get to the front room and can walk out onto the balcony, the balcony doors were already open. Once I was outside I look down at the dark but still twinkling city and answered the phone just before it ended the last verse in the song.

Not caring that there was already someone out here, I just didn’t want to wake Alora. The voice that came over the phone when I answered made me glad I left the room, but it had been a wasted effort hoping she would sleep through this, my emotion would wake her.

instantly in a fury that caused a low rumble to come from the building as my power faired. I had to concentrate to hold it back. A killing fury started to run through me at each



JUST YOU WAIT WHORE!” Sarah shrieked drunkenly over

had already been out here. “You listen to me! The moment I have my hands on you I’ll tear you to pieces limb by limb! I’ll make you pay for every scar you have left on my mate!” I growled out the words, my fury and Alpha power in each

wanting to upset my mate. I start to breath, trying to calm my fury and restrain my power. I meet the set of angry

in law, the King

from the looks of it. It was a strange habit for a Supernatural to have, most couldn’t stand the smell of cigarettes.

cigar, the smell was

but I got myself under control, my anger now contained to a smolder under the surface. “You’re already showing the signs of a grate leader with that kind of control.” My father in

was bad enough just watching her everyday as I grew up, her eyes empty of life. They were an endless abyss of sadness that was only relieved somewhat, when Darien and I would take her some place that wasn’t her home.” I tell him stopping, the memories causing a lump

pack of clover cigars and took one out, he lit it, took a big draft in, let it out, then looked at me. It was

the time at first, especially when we caught

was when she started to shy away from us that we stopped asking, afraid she would stop seeing us all together. She wasn’t going to tell us what they were doing do

was only after her training started with Master Brock, that it started to lift, her spirit had started to come back. Going away to the Alpha University was one of the hardest things I had to do. It took a lot of convincing to get my wolf Zane to agree on the separation from Alora. A lot to convince me as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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