Chapter 38 Why Me?
Even in a situation like that, the only person Lewis thought of was Josie.
What reason could Josephine still have for not loving him after hearing that?
At that moment, she gave all her love to that man, and he became someone more important to her than her life. It was also clear to her that his care for her was only feelings of pity toward a mute, and that her love would never come to fruition.
That was indeed the truth since Lewis started dating Sierra after that. His favoritism toward Josephine shifted to another woman. He had left to protect that other woman instead, and Josephine became neglected.
After they got together, Josephine not only lost the person she loved, but she also lost her only friend.
Avery sent Josephine text after text when she didn’t reply. Josephine came back to reality and typed rapidly, “Avery, don’t go. It’s dangerous.”
“It’s not. Don’t worry, I’ll definitely win.”
Josephine was still worried and wanted to stop her. “Don’t go. I’ll send you money.”
When Avery read this, she couldn’t help laughing and said, “You’ll send me money? Where would you get the money from? Forget it, I don’t want that batard’s money. Just wait, after I win this car, I’ll take you away.”
Josephine still tried persuading her, but Avery had stopped replying. In the end, she had no choice but to ask for the venue of the competition. She was going to persuade her in person.
Avery didn’t have much ambition. She wasn’t interested in her family’s business and disputes. She also didn’t wish to be in a marriage of convenience with someone she didn’t love just for her family’s future. She was someone who longed for freedom. She wished to drive around the world with her drawing board, as only then she could say she had lived without regrets.
Before this, Josephine was not a part of her plan. But now, she felt like having a partner wouldn’t be that bad.
Avery sent Josephine the address.

“Josephine, stop standing by that b*stard. What do you see in him? I’ll take you around the world. Once you’ve broadened your h*rizons, you’ll find that men are not all that important. A human life span is only around thirty thousand days anyways,
why waste your time standing by a man that doesn’t love you?”
Josephine fell into a momentary trance. What was the outside world like?
Her whole life, she had never set foot outside of Elysium. If she didn’t know life outside of Elysium, how would she know about life out in the big world?
Josephine was not Avery. Avery was like the wind, suited to a wild, free life outside of their little bubble. Josephine, on the other hand, was a flower, only suited to take root in soil. If she blew far with the wind, she would wither.
Lewis was not home for the next few days. It could be because Josephine never brought up divorce again that he could leave her at home without a care. When he didn’t come back, Josephine didn’t have to be constantly on edge, worried that he might find out about their child. She could also meet up with Avery.
When Avery found out Josephine wanted to go root for her, she went to pick her up early in the morning, h*nking loudly outside her door.
Josephine got up from the sofa and invited her in.
Avery’s black riding outfit gave her a valiant look and accentuated her already tall figure.
As soon as Avery stepped through the door, she gave Josephine a big hug. “We haven’t seen each other for a few days now; did you miss me?”
Josephine was slightly taken aback. Taking two steps back, she gestured, “Can you not join the competition?”
“Why not? I’ve already promised them. Besides, where would I get the money to travel the world if I don’t go?”
Josephine pursed her lips and was silent for a while before gesturing, “I’m not getting a divorce with Lewis.”
Avery’s smile froze. “Not getting a divorce again? Did you change your mind after he said a few nice things to you again?
Josephine shook her head, not knowing how to express her current feelings. She was worried about Avery and didn’t want her to join the competition.
Avery sighed, walking to the sofa and sitting down. She picked up an orange that was on the coffee table and turned her head toward Josephine.
“Have you told him you’re pregnant?”
Josephine froze, then shook her head.
“Why are you not telling him?”
Naturally, it was because Josephine was afraid he wouldn’t be happy and would tell her to get an abortion, just like the last time.
“You’re not divorcing him, but you won’t let him know about the baby. How are you going to hide it from him?” Avery was tossing the orange in her hand absent- mindedly, smiling at Josephine.
Josephine didn’t answer her.
Avery asked again, “Do you want to leave him?”
Josephine fidgeted with her clothes, her heart wavering. Even if she left with Avery, it was only like shifting her dependence on Lewis to Avery. There was not much of a difference, as she didn’t have the ability to wander alone outside.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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