Chapter 49 You Won’t Let Me Embrace You Anymore?

As they spoke, Josephine saw that Lewis and Conrad had walked into the room.

Lewis was dressed in a sharp and elegant brown suit. The end of his coat reached his knees, and it made him look very handsome. He stared at Josephine, then turned to look at Avery, who was seated next to her.

Josephine lowered her head guiltily. Her neat ponytail had come loose, and messy strands of hair framed her face. She was the furthest thing from neat and elegant right now.

On the other hand, Avery pursed her lips and remained silent. From past experiences, she knew not to provoke Lewis unnecessarily. After all, he hadn’t said anything to her.

The atmosphere was tense. Suddenly, Tyler ran over to them. His facial expression shifted slightly when he saw Lewis and Josephine. Tyler quickly walked over to Avery and whispered, “Avery! Haven’t you caused enough trouble for us? You’re coming home with me!”

Avery didn’t say anything to resist him. She had neither the intention nor the energy to bother anymore. Tyler grabbed Avery and walked out of the room as fast as he could, but Avery managed to shoot Josephine a worried look before she left.

After Tyler and Avery had left, Lewis finally opened his mouth. “Were you planning on spending the night here?”

Josephine was startled, and she looked up at Lewis immediately. His face was blank and devoid of any emotion. Hesitantly, she forced herself to stand up and face him. Lewis turned and left the room, his outer coat fluttering behind him as he walked.

An unfamiliar scent wafted by, and Josephine could smell it. Josephine followed behind him silently. Conrad was standing next to the car. Lewis spoke just as Conrad opened the car door for them, “You can go ahead first.”

Conrad nodded and closed the car door before walking away from them. Josephine sat in the car without a word. Nobody spoke, and it felt like it was freezing in the car. She fidgeted with her fingers nervously.

After they arrived at the Styx Mansion, Lewis stepped out of the car and removed his coat. Mrs. Jinkins limped out of the kitchen to greet them, her eyes filled with warmth.

Mrs. Jinkins wiped her hands on her apron apprehensively before reaching out to take Lewis’ coat. “Oh, Josie. I was just about to ask you what time both of you would

dear. I was just about

stared at the elderly woman for a second before glancing at her leg. He asked, ” Are

for help. Mrs. Jinkins smiled awkwardly and replied,

and lowered her head as she tugged on his sleeve. She hoped that he wouldn’t say anything that would upset Mrs. Jinkins. However, Lewis ignored her and said, “You can’t even walk properly; why bother to

said that, Lewis took no note of the pale expression on Mrs. Jinkins’s face. He walked past her and went upstairs. Josephine wrung her hands and looked at Mrs. Jinkins apologetically. Mrs. Jinkins was startled, but she understood what he meant. After all, she had already lived

wiped away the tears in her eyes and spoke to Josephine with a smile, “Josie, dear.

shook her head and held onto Mrs. Jinkins’ hand.

sighed. “It’s alright. I’m quite used to living in that shoddy little shack of

welled up in Josephine’s eyes, and she signed

and useless? She couldn’t even protect

stairs and knocked on the door to Lewis’ study. The door wasn’t shut tight, so it

cloudy outside, and the light that fell on his face cast a desolate look on his face. “If you aren’t qualified for this position, just resign

and turned to look at Josephine. He didn’t say anything. Lewis kept his eyes on Josephine, as though he were waiting for her

you wanted to

head, her hair covering her face. She continued

if I did, and so what if I didn’t? Am I supposed to care for each and every staff

For the first time in her life, she

to her, then leaned in close as he said, “You can keep her, sure. On the condition that you promise to

Josephine was startled.

smiled cruelly, and his gaze was very cold as he said, “So, between Mrs. Jinkins and

for this. moment. Lewis had given her a difficult decision, where neither of the options would make her happy. He stared directly into her eyes and waited for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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