Chapter 63 Worthy of Happiness

Josephine gripped her phone tightly, waiting anxiously.

After 20 minutes, there was still no reply from Lewis.

The hope on Mrs. Jinkins’ face gradually faded. She held Josephine’s hand. “Josie, thank you for trying to help me. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”

Patrick had finished a plate of orange slices. He turned his head and asked, “Have you got the money yet? The Alvarez family is so rich – don’t tell me you can’t even cough up five hundred thousand dollars?”

Josephine looked at Mrs. Jinkins. She chewed her lip and dialed Lewis. The call connected, but it was not Lewis who picked up.

“Josephine, Lewis is busy. Text him instead.” It was Sierra.

Josephine’s heart sank. She was in despair.

Sierra hung up and placed Lewis’s phone on the table. “That mute called you. I have no idea what for.”

Lewis picked his phone up and looked at his messages. He blinked and decided to ignore it before tossing it aside.

Sierra smiled widely. She approached him, hugged his arm, and said, “I’m going to sign a contract with my manager this afternoon. You promised you’d make me a star. You won’t go back on your word, right?”

Lewis placed the documents he was holding down. He held Sierra’s hands and smiled a little.” Have you packed?”

Sierra glared at him curtly. “Yes! Do you want me gone so badly?”

Lewis lowered his gaze and looked at her pretty manicured nails. “It’s not that I want you gone. You are just not suited to work here.”

“You’re pushing me away!” Sierra retracted her hand swiftly.

you know how many people

one who let me do whatever I want! If they hate me, you have to

raised an eyebrow, declining

planted a kiss on his face. “I’ll be

“Be safe.”

left. All

no security or protection. Thus, she would rather take advantage of Lewis’s network and resources to gain something for herself. That was considered a way to protect

her too well. If Lewis were to dump her one day, she would not have anything left. The most practical thing

appear innocent and without malice in front of Lewis. Just as

that moment. Lewis would give

could not even be bothered to cause Josephine any trouble because she would not gain anything from it. On top of that, it really

get married to Lewis, the problem lay

on her marriage to Lewis. Thus, unless Sierra was crazy, she would not make trouble for Josephine.

money. She had no choice

money? All my credit cards have been frozen. I don’t have that much money. Wait, don’t worry. Let

dollars, he hung up without hesitation. His younger sister would never learn her lesson. It was as if

was sick of waiting. He stood up and said, “Mrs. Alvarez, can you or can you not give

Mrs. Jinkins. She felt conflicted and filled with deep desperation. She wanted

the arm. “Alright, Mom, let’s head back. She was only saying that to

said, “Even if she could get the money, I would never let her give it to you!”

“Mom, I’m your actual son here! Why

to me!” Mrs. Jinkins said dejectedly. She glared at Patrick loathingly. “The

Patrick growled fiercely, showing his true colors. He raised his hand,

not afraid of him at all. She leaned in and yelled, “Slap me! I dare you to slap

Then, she facetiously

“I’ll walk on my own! I don’t need your false

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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