Chapter 68 What About Your Husband?

When Josephine came around, she was already in a bed at the hospital with an IV drip inserted into the back of her hand. Her abdomen did not hurt that much anymore.

She was alone in the room. She looked up at the IV drip and noticed that the bottle was almost. empty. She pushed herself up into a seated position and pressed the call button next to her.

In less than two minutes, a young doctor entered. He first changed the drip for Josephine before looking at her.

“How are you feeling?”

Josephine looked at the doctor for a short while before searching around for her phone. In the end, she found her phone on the nightstand next to the bed.

She picked her phone up and typed, “Doctor, what happened to me?”

The doctor looked at the text on her phone with a little surprise but soon collected himself. This was how everyone reacted whenever they realized she was mute. Josephine was used to it already.

“You passed out Once you’re done with the drip, go look for the doctor. She’ll tell you.’

Only then did Josephine realize the tag on his chest said that he was just an intern.

Josephine nodded and lay back down in bed, patiently waiting for the drip to finish. The room was quite empty, except for a paralyzed old man on a bed in the innermost corner. He could. not speak either Two mutes lay bedridden in the room, making it seem extremely quiet.

Josephine picked up her phone. It was already past 4 pm. Her phone was silent as no one had sent her any messages. She shut off her phone and turned to look at the old man in the corner.

A while later, a grey-haired old lady entered the room carrying multiple bags. She headed. directly to the old man’s bed, then swiftly grabbed a basin and a towel to wipe the old man. down.

After that, she fed the old man while muttering to him. She talked about how their grandchildren were being as parents or how much money their son had given them.

Then, the old lady started grumbling about how she had never once been happy marrying him, and she even had to care for him when he was old.

The old man could not speak but only moved his eyes, following the old lady around the room.

cared for you for eight years. Every day I think about you lying in the hospital, and I’m starting to

looked at the old couple. Tears welled up in

wipe away his wife’s tears, but

She looked at the dark clouds outside. It was about to rain once again.

the final bottle of drip was emptied, she went to look for the doctor. Coincidentally, it was the same doctor that she saw the last time. The doctor looked at

helplessness and irritation.

you see

her identity card. The doctor keyed her name into

reproached, “Weren’t you the one who wanted to keep your baby? You…” She could not find

were thinking! You just finished surgery. Couldn’t you

and lowered her

been inflamed for a few days. Why did you

and clenched the corner of her shirt.

for yourself, it

could not speak. She said with a softened tone, “What about your husband? Have

her head.

he not pay attention

stunned. She immediately took her phone out and typed, “He’s on a

a while before sighing and saying, “You should care for yourself more. Try to communicate with your husband,

for at least five consecutive days. You must come and do it. Do

embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole and hide when

doctor said.

her a huge dose of medication. Josephine took the medicine and left the

the hospital, she bumped into Lewis coming toward her. She clenched the packet of medication in

have noticed Josephine. Sierra was limping with a walking stick, burying herself in Lewis’ arm while she complained, “I don’t know why I was so unlucky to sprain my ankle twice! I was going to

yourself more. Stop complaining.” Lewis was holding onto her. His words were harsh, and he barely had any emotion on his face. It was as if this was how they regularly bickered. This was their way

you’re worried? You jerk!

look quite sprightly. I guess your injuries aren’t that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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