Chapter 79 Somebody to Love Her

Josephine gripped her phone tighter.

Lewis didn’t return the night before, and she had already changed her phone. Why could he

still track her?

Josephine was comforting herself, thinking that perhaps it was all just a coincidence. She decided to ignore the message and looked at Sam.

Sam was still talking to Mrs. Jinkins, asking her if she was willing to leave.

Mrs. Jinkins looked at Josephine with hesitation. She didn’t want to be a burden to Josephine.

Josephine signed, “Come with us. Don’t stay here.”

Mrs. Jinkins’ eyes glimmered, but she looked hesitant. She opened her mouth and said, voice trembling, “Forget about it.”

Josephine shook her head. “We’re already here. Why do you not want to leave with us?”

At that point, if Mrs. Jinkins didn’t leave, the days ahead for her would be even more tragic. That was not something Josephine wanted to see.

Mrs. Jinkins patted Josephine’s hand with a benevolent gaze, tears welling up in her eyes. already so old. I don’t want to be on the run. Josie, thank you so much. Don’t you have the evidence on Patrick? If he mistreats me, please help me take him to court?”


Tears welled up in Josephine’s eyes. She shook her head stubbornly. She wanted to take Mrs. Jinkins away, not only because she wanted to give her a better life but also because of her selfishness. She wanted somebody to love her.

Mrs. Jinkins pulled Josephine to the door and said softly, “Josie, I’m really happy you did this for me. I’ve lived a long time and suffered a lot, but nothing makes me happier than meeting you. You’re a good person. You must take care of yourself, you hear me?”

Hearing what sounded like a farewell note, Josephine could no longer hold back her tears. She cried and shook her head fervently.

Mrs. Jinkins continued, “The other day, I heard Patrick talking to someone on the phone, calling him Mr. Alvarez. Josie, I might be old, but I’m not a fool…” Mrs. Jinkins trailed off, but they both understood what she meant.

ordered Mrs. Jinkins to be taken away. That was why if Mrs. Jinkins were to follow Josephine back, she might suffer even worse consequences. Not only that, but Josephine might be implicated in

along with Josephine. They were both looking out for one another as they cherished the care they had for each other,


Mrs. Jinkins’ hand. She understood what Mrs. Jinkins was trying to say but was reluctant to let her go. She didn’t understand why Lewis

already obeyed him and cut ties with Avery, yet he

doesn’t want to go, let her stay here. I’ve already spoken to Patrick. He promised not to

Once they left, Patrick would surely show his true colors or even

her trouble, so she

back,” Mrs. Jinkins persuaded her. “Don’t worry about me.

her to sleep when she was young, telling her not to be afraid. How could she not be afraid? She

her tears kept falling. She hated the feeling of helplessness. It was just like how she was forced to have an abortion. No

suggested that Josephine didn’t need to look at the security footage, but the footage had to be uploaded to cloud storage. In case anything was to

he had to install a security camera at home. Of

if you don’t want to install one. Let’s go to court, then. No matter what, this has to

Sam. “What fraud of a lawyer are you? Installing a security camera to spy on us? Don’t you

Sam explained. “We won’t have the right to look at it. You’re only forced to upload it to the cloud to prevent you from deleting the footage. Only the police can access the footage if this goes to court. Do you understand?”

find any other reason to retort. After all, Sam’s stance was clear. He either installed a security camera or he would be

You win! Do what you want!” Patrick slumped on the

to argue with them. How could he win an

you don’t want to pay, we’ll pay for the installation of the

do it quickly and leave!” Patrick said furiously.

come up with the money. Josephine would feel a little more relieved with the installation

to Mrs. Jinkins reluctantly before leaving the neighborhood

to buy a security

and typed on her phone. “Thank

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I can help you with

as she had not asked him about

“How much does it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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