Chapter 96 You Won’t Achieve Anything

“Why?” asked the person on the other end. “Lewis has no reason to do it. He’s the only son and heir to the Alvarez family. Alvarez Corp will eventually become his, so why would he sabotage the investment project?”

“Only son?” Seth snorted, “You’ve got some nerve saying that to me, the son-in-law of the Alvarez family. I bet Lewis knows I’m up to something.”

A sigh came from the


“Whatever. I’m hanging up as I’ve got other things to deal with now,” Seth said before ending the call and strolling ahead. As he walked, he noticed Lewis’ car was parked by the road with its lights on. It seemed like Lewis had intentionally waited for him. Thus, Seth approached and saw Lewis was indeed inside. The latter rested one arm against the car window while holding a cigarette between two fingers. Even Lewis’ tie had gotten loosened up compared to before. Seth forced a smile while he asked, “Were you waiting for me, Lewis?”

While turning to stare intensely at the former, Lewis exhaled a puff of smoke. Tension filled the air as he hid his malice while speaking. “How can my intelligent brother-in-law make such a foolish mistake?”

Chuckling tensely, Seth opened the door to get into the car. Once he settled down, the two drove off into a remote fork in the road, where Lewis lowered the car window and smoked again.

The lighter cast a warm glow against Lewis’ face for a split second.

Seth turned to face the former. “I had suspicions and wanted to test the waters with you earlier, but it seems no longer necessary. What’s the use of asking when you and I know the truth? Pray tell, Lewis-why were you waiting for me?”

Lewis shook off the excess ash from his cigarette, then drilled his dark gaze into Seth. “Where is he?”

decided there was no use hiding

deprecatingly. “Does that mean you were faking it in front of me all this while? Hmm. That makes sense. I figured you were onto me when the first proposal got disapproved, yet you easily approved the second one.

Josephine to make her jealous, but now, it seems

her safety that he didn’t have the heart to work, which led to him accepting the proposal. Granted, I did suspect he did all that on purpose at the time-but Lewis signed the papers, so I figured I could transfer the investment funds without getting caught since Lewis is responsible for the project on paper. I assumed I could pull a few schemes here and there to interfere with the company’s income and make it difficult for them to keep operating. That way, Alvarez Corp will have two options; sell their shares or go through dilution of shares, issuing additional shares to the market. Both would buy me time to transfer the investment funds into my private account while I pocket some of Alvarez Corp’s shares. I never imagined Lewis would guess my plan and


cigarette’s ashes outside the window. He ignored the former’s statements and asked, “Why did

ask you

another question. “I’d like to know why you did it. What is your purpose for leeching off

of the car, admiring the night view. “What

you don’t want to. After all, I’m sure you


from the company,”

sure you have the right to say that to

not the one in control over it, Seth. You should know there’s no need to play mind games with me. I’m not the kind to secretly record conversations

Lewis was secretly recording the conversation, as he could get

for the past two years. Years passed, and he now had the chance to steal the company’s wealth,

his head to stare at Lewis, the smile on his face long gone. Only a grim but reticent expression remained on

“Go ahead.”

Seth’s voice sounded

as friendly anymore. Instead, there was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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