Chapter 99 Their Display of Affection

The same stormy expression was on Lewis’ face. Despite Josephine’s pitiful pout, he refused to care or even acknowledge her. That cut off any chances she had to converse with him.

Josephine released his sleeve and turned the other way. She knew there was no use begging when Lewis decided on something since he never changed his mind.

Not long later, they arrived at the villa. Josephine wanted to speak with Lewis after getting out. of the car, but the latter strolled away without a glance. Having no choice, she followed him. into the living room.

There, Lewis tossed his coat onto the couch. Then, he whipped around to say, “Go and make dinner.”

He then turned around before she could respond, forcing her to obey his command, which she did. That was when a ringing came from Lewis’ phone. After glancing at the screen and seeing that it was a call from Sierra, he tossed his phone onto the couch.

On the other end, Sierra persistently dialed his number several times. Finally, Lewis picked up her call on the eighth try.

Josephine peeked her head out of the kitchen door, her ears perking up at the commotion.

That was unnoticed by Lewis, who frustratedly questioned, “What do you want?”

Sierra answered, “Didn’t you say you’d accompany me to the film’s social event tonight? Where are you?”

“Must I attend?” Lewis leaned back against the couch, holding the phone with one hand and pinching the spot between his brows with the other.

“Of course! I told everyone you would! How will I face them if you don’t show up? Please don’t tell me you’ve gone home again” Sierra spoke through clenched teeth when she got to the last. sentence. It irritated her to know Lewis had returned home more often these days. She couldn’t help wondering what Lewis and Josephine did together whenever he went home. Her teeth would often gnash at the thought of them possibly succumbing to a moment of lust and having sex. She knew Lewis would never touch a mute like Josephine that way since he didn’t even get intimate with her; still, jealousy filled her mind, clouding her sense of logic and upsetting her.

the end of a work day?” came Lewis’ neutral reply. It was

you staying with


I’ll text it to you now!” After hanging up, Sierra

out when he noticed something. He turned to see Josephine’s head peering out of the kitchen.

hospital. While Josephine was deep in thought, Lewis abruptly grabbed

In no time, he shoved Josephing into the passenger seat of his car, then hopped into the

a moment ago, so Lewis’ sudden actions made her wonder if she had gotten caught. Once Lewis

from Lewis before he wordlessly drove onto the street.

of a holiday resort. It had a massive gate, then a long winding path surrounded by several low-rise villas, with a main building that had 30 floors in the

stopped outside the hotel’s main entrance, Lewis turned to face Josephine.” Stay here. You’re free

Josephine felt baffled, she still tested the boundaries,

her arm and stopped her from continuing. “I’ll say this one

dare visit her, I promise that will be the last time you

didn’t want her to see Mary. She wondered, “Is he worried that Mrs. Jinkins will encourage me to leave him as Avery did? Is he really not

eyes and broke free from his hold, signing, “Why? I’m not

eyes narrowed to slits

she felt. Unable to suppress her emotions, she angrily signed, “Even if you

socialize, don’t I? You should just tie me up in chains if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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