Chapter 102 Start Over

The shade of Damian’s face flickered between pale white and dark purple as he anxiously waited for his son’s return.

Sierra held Lewis’ hand while leaning closer to whisper, “Come now, darling, let’s drop this and leave. It’s not that big of a deal.”

She worried that her reputation would tarnish if Quintin returned and told everyone about Lewis locking Josephine in his car. Although Lewis would undoubtedly defend her honor, she still felt anxious; after all, she had a hand in letting Lewis lock Josephine up. Plus, she hated the idea of people comparing her, a mistress, to Josephine, Lewis’ wife.

Lewis merely glanced at Sierra while speaking curtly. “You should head home. I’m not driving you back.”

Jealousy gnawing at her heart, she grabbed his arm tightly and murmured, “No, I want you to drive me home.”

“Come now. Please behave, okay?” Lewis replied warmly, but his narrowed eyes told a

different story.

Anger flickered on Sierra’s face. She gritted her teeth, still refusing to relent. “I’ll wait for you here, then.”

“Whatever you wish.” Lewis no longer paid attention to her, nor did he plan to wait for

Quintin’s return. He got into the driver’s seat of his Maybach. Then, he frowned at Sierra, who hopped into the front passenger seat.

The latter buckled up her seatbelt before beaming. “Don’t worry. I don’t need you to send me home. I just want to go with you.”

She knew what Lewis was up to and didn’t want him to be alone with Josephine, so she insisted on tagging along.

“Are you sure you want to join me?” Lewis asked.

“Yeah.” She nodded. “Am I not allowed to? I haven’t seen you in days! Can’t I spend a little more time with you?”

Lewis gazed at her momentarily but then looked ahead and drove down the road.

It wasn’t long after the two left that Quintin returned to the hotel. He exited his car and approached Damian. “What’s up, Dad?”

a leather belt from nowhere and beat

as he clutched his sore forearm. With brows narrowing into a


at the former, his body trembling with rage. “You good for nothing, rotten piece of shit! All you ever do is give me trouble!

wound around the belt tighter as he struck Quintin

Quintin didn’t allow it to happen like before. He took off and yelled some distance away,

sneaky, disreputable friend! How did I birth such a worthless rebel like you?” While saying that, Damian ignored the watchful eyes of the many bystanders

like unhinged chickens. Many were amused, but this wasn’t the first time they had witnessed

esteemed Lewis by breaking into the latter’s car and stealing the latter’s dog. It pissed off Damian, who could no longer care about keeping up appearances. All he wanted to do now

ran and dodged the former’s blows. He had no choice but to get back into his car and yell, “Jack,

slamming hard onto the accelerator while he drove himself and Quintin away from the hotel. They fled so abruptly that they


so much that his heart pounded fervently. Het clutched his chest,

at Quintin through the

slumped against the backseat while

he recalled the pitiful Josephine’s face and tensed up. A brief pause passed, then he relented, patting

“What? Why?”

because of her. It’s only fair that I get it back from

reasonable excuse, so Jack agreed. “Fine.”

a sharp corner, the two

She was still wearing an oxygen mask, and the insides of it had become cloudy. Quintin bent over to examine the former for

She gasped hard, her eyes flinging wide open as fatigue took over. Worse, Josephine even found it taxing to wiggle her fingers. It was as though all her energy had gotten spent

to look at Quintin, who

shot to his feet and ran toward the hospital bed,

vision was still blurry, so it took a while before she saw his tan skin, striking eyes, and pearly white teeth. She removed her oxygen mask and tried to get up, but her body collapsed backward. The bright, white lights made her

asking, “Um. Do we know each other?”

tensed up. She examined his face in detail, feeling he was familiar yet also unsure where they had met

dismissively, saying, “Don’t worry about it. I don’t remember either. Why don’t we start over? I’m

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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