Chapter 143 She’s Nothing To Him

Josephine’s gaze flickered as she turned to look at the door. The door was shut tight, with no sign of anyone coming in or leaving recently.

A look of bewilderment crossed her face. She wondered if she was still somehow in her dreams.

She even wondered if she had been hallucinating.

She stood up from the ground. After sitting on the cold, hard floor for too long, her legs were utterly numb. They buckled underneath her, and she fell back onto the couch immediately.

Josephine rubbed her calves. The tingling numbness in them was so unpleasant that she winced painfully.

Subsequently, as she moved the muscles in her cheek, the tightness on her face became more apparent. She was almost certain now that she hadn’t been dreaming or hallucinating.

Someone had indeed applied medication on her cheeks.

Could it be that there was someone else in here with her?

Before she could figure it out, the door was pushed open, and Seth walked into the room.

This time, he wore an off-white suit, which accentuated his tall and slender figure. His long, graceful legs were especially notable, almost on par with Lewis’ appearance.

Seth walked over to her side and looked down at her.

Josephine’s fingers tightened over the couch as she watched him anxiously.

After a while, he crouched beside her and unlocked the metal chains encircling her ankles.

“Go and cook.”

Josephine was stunned for a moment before slowly standing up, dragging her sore feet behind her as she walked outside.

The weather had cleared overnight, but the sky remained cloudy. Dark clouds loomed over the mountaintops, creating an ominous atmosphere, as though threatening to crash down and meld with the ground below, blurring the boundary between heaven and earth.

Josephine went to the kitchen to get a basket before picking vegetables from the backyard. As she was worried about it raining later, she gathered enough to last a whole day.

Then, with a large basket brimming with vegetables in her arms, she stumbled her way back to the main building. The soles of her shoes were caked with a thick layer of dirt. The ground was slick, so she ended up falling over a couple of times,

When she reached the side of the courtyard, she squatted down and scraped off the mud on her shoes with a branch.


Seth stood by the door all this while, watching the figure squatting by the yard. The wool jacket she had on was overly long, with its trailing her sweeping along the ground as she


shoes, Josephine took her basket of vegetables to the kitchen and started bustling around her usual

cutting the vegetables, and heating the stove before cooking all

from the corner of her His eyes had a distant look, as if he was


Immediately, Josephine

she entered the

their meal when she heard the sound of a car’s horn blaring from the outside.

and hurried to the door. She

enter the courtyard, her

in the middle of the yard steadily. The door opened, and Lewis

the vehicle.

stark contrast to the light suit Seth wore. The light and the dark resided on opposing sides, divided by the vast expanse of the courtyard, like two distinct.

is she?” Lewis spoke

smile on his face. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. I

over the homestead

He’d found her so easily, after all. Everything Seth had said was true.

along. He was just prioritizing his other

to him anyway? She wasn’t worth him sacrificing everything for-not his profit gains, career, or even life.

fell with her gaze, and she silently retreated behind the

of the kitchen. But before he could move, a hand shot

at Seth, who was blocking his

only scare her. Moreover, if you wanted to take her away, shouldn’t

to deal with your nonsense, you better act wisely and get out of my

Lewis, you came here by yourself, and now you’re

his lips. “How about you make a guess why I have

while, his gaze searching, but he soon

his smile. Angling his head toward

lips, an unnatural gleam rippled in Lewis’

kitchen, his gaze

the main building slowly. She stood by

Alvarez. Do you want to go back with him?”

her, his

silent for a

come here to me at once!” Lewis raised his voice suddenly,


her a

her, it didn’t matter whether she was here with Seth or with Lewis. No matter whom she

Lewis had never needed her and never would, and how she would forever remain the spare, the extra one who would never be selected…When she pondered how he would opt for anything or anyone but her, she sensed a surge of resistance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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