Chapter 163 Evidence of His Love for Her

“Madam, you…” The nannies looked at her nervously. They were desperate to stop Bambam from crying and took their chances with Josephine. But now they suddenly recalled that Josephine went through two forced abortions, and the culprit behind those hideous acts was Bambam’s mother. This realization set fear in their hearts.

Josephine raised her head and glanced at them, tightening her grip on Bambam. Maybe because she exerted too much force, Bambam started to cry again in her arms. His voice was hoarse because he had been crying loudly for so long.

“Madam, return the child to us. We will think of other ways to comfort him.” One nanny reached out and wanted to grab Bambam, but Josephine turned and walked away with Bambam in her arms. Before she could walk far, she bumped into a man’s chest and instinctively stepped back.

“Master Lewis,” the nannies greeted with a relieved voice.

Josephine looked up and saw Lewis standing in front of her emotionlessly. She clenched her fingers on Bambam’s swaddling blanket and stared blankly at Lewis. Lewis saw the crying baby and asked, “What’s the matter?”

One nanny explained, “Young Master Baron had been crying fiercely recently, so we thought of letting Madam comfort him. But….Madam was reluctant to give him back to us.”

Lewis shifted his gaze to look at Josephine’s face. “Why are you holding him?”

Josephine pressed her lips together tightly, offering no response. She herself was unsure of her own desires and intentions at that moment. All she felt was an overwhelming need to somehow justify the tragic loss of her innocent children when she was reminded about them. Confusion clouded her mind, leaving her uncertain about the course of action she should take. All she knew was that she harbored a strong reluctance to surrender Bambam back into their


Lewis reached out and said, “Give Bambam to me.”

Josephine tightened her grip on the baby and stepped back, refusing his request.

request. Lewis’ turned cold, and he raised his voice, saying, “I repeat, give Bambam to me!”


his patience and stepped forward to snatch Bambam from her hands, but Josephine held tightly onto Bambam, refusing to hand him over. As they were fighting over Bambam, he cried even louder. It was heartbreaking to hear his hoarse

anger in his voice, and everyone noticed that

noticed his concern for the baby, and that made her heart ache. She never saw this look in his eyes when she lost

not for their own. In that moment, Josephine was overcome


his anger and reached out

She relinquished Bambam to Lewis as she recognized the danger she posed to the child. As Lewis took

gushing, and it started to drizzle. The raindrops. that fell on her face felt cold. The man lifted his arm and tenderly brushed her

to look at Josephine. Josephine took a deep breath. Cold air gushed into her

child that he allowed them to get rid of. A child that he was disgusted at because he thought that it would also be mute like her. Now that he realized she was not born a mute, he shamelessly wanted to have a child with her

Lewis fell silent.

me? Why did you jump off the cliff with me? You were just being intimate with Sierra a while ago, so

fixed upon her with jet-black eyes. However, the true depths of his emotions remained concealed in the shadow cast by his averted face, hidden. from the illuminating light. In stark contrast, Josephine’s state of turmoil was laid bare under the light, her disarray accentuated. It felt as though he resided in darkness while she stood in the light, existing

With tears in her eyes, she

it harder for her to speak. Her mouth was not in sync with her mind. “Have

herself unable

sentence to a close, he abruptly interjected, his voice cutting through her attempts,

fall lifelessly to her side. Her love had always been unrequited, a one-sided affair. She berated herself for her sentimental inclinations, finding it laughable

from him.

together, he had never once said he loved her. She realized she had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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