Chapter 193 It’s My Fault, Not Yours

Nancy frowned. “What’s your reason, then?”

Lewis withdrew his arm and stood, putting distance between himself and Nancy. “It doesn’t matter. I acted according to your will, so what else do

you want?”

Nancy chewed on it and realized he was right; it was just the way he spoke that irritated her.

She was upset and couldn’t help but tear up. “Do you hate me that much, even now? I’ve been looking out for you, but it never crossed my mind you would loathe me so much. I feel like I’ve failed as a mother.”

Lewis looked at her with cold, unperturbed eyes. He said, “Indeed, I hate you. But I believe I’ve been benevolent to you.”

Nancy’s pupils contracted as she looked up at him, taken aback. “What did you say?”

His monotonous voice rang out, “I told you, I’m not the young boy I used to be. Only you know best whether all the ‘sacrifices’ you made were for my sake or yours. The only right thing you ever did was join the Alvarez family. Everything that followed has nothing to do with you. Don’t think so highly of yourself; your explanation will not deceive anyone forever.”

Nancy was rendered speechless. Her eyes flickered, filled with shock and disbelief as she looked at Lewis.

Lewis put his hands in his pockets and solemnly said, “As much as I owe you a great debt of gratitude, I will eventually pay it off. I hope you can remain in your place and not hasten the day I fulfill my debt.”

Those hurtful words stabbed Nancy like razor-sharp knives.

She stood up slowly and approached Lewis, her eyes welling up with tears as she looked at him.

Suddenly, she raised her hand and slapped Lewis.

Lewis caught her hand mid-air, squeezed her wrist, and lowered his gaze. “Please go back if that is all.”

Nancy shook with anger. “Y-You-”

That was all she could manage. She was always beside herself with rage and resignation whenever Lewis was beyond her control. She also felt immense fear.

Nancy tugged her hand and broke free from his grasp. She cast him another meaningful glance.


capable of leaving the nest. You’re not seeing me as your mother anymore. You’d

words, Nancy stormed

stared at their toes, pretending they

react differently just because of Nancy’s visit; he behaved as



he returned to the bedroom,

they darted


was Lewis telling her he was taking her out to celebrate

she lying in

was pondering when she heard footsteps. Subsequently, she looked toward

get out of bed. But when she propped

face contorted

to recover. She blankly lifted her hand

I underestimated

that, Josephine turned and saw Lewis’

bed and looked at her, his tone calm as he said, “Since you can’t wait any longer, let’s

and looked at him incredulously, thinking, “Why is he

cold smile. “Have you been infected with the skills of acting?” His slender finger fell on Josephine’s chin and tilted it upward. He continued in a low voice, “One second,

him. She didn’t understand

could think of was the divorce certificate he

less than a thunderstruck to Josephine. She felt dizzy

to keep this act up. Get up. Let’s get the divorce over with!” Lewis commanded

realized he wasn’t joking-he was

wanted to divorce

to sit upright despite being physically weak. Blood seeped through the bandage on her wrist as she

signed, “What did I do

out laughing. His laughter was tinged with scorn. “You didn’t

was self-deprecating and

I’m at fault.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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