Chapter 201 Won’t Regret

Struggling to keep her eyes open, Josephine succumbed to powerlessness as she closed them once more. Her head was spinning, and she was woozy. She had lost track of time and did not even feel it when Mr. Walter patted her cheeks. The only thought consuming Josephine’s mind was how terrible the wine tasted.

After Mr. Walter confirmed that she was drunk, he let out a snicker. He stood up and made his way to the corner of the room. He retrieved the hidden camera from the potted plant and returned to Josephine’s side. He read the comments he received and saw many prompts urging him to expedite his actions.

Mr. Walter said, “Don’t be impatient. Subscribe to my channel. I’ll remove one piece of her clothing for every hundred subscribers.”

Those who watched the live-streamed videos on this particular application did not lack money, and only a minority would stream with the intention of earning money. The majority of users were driven by their interests and hobby, seeking to immerse themselves in this community, with most aspiring to gain popularity and amass a following.

There was a comment below that said, “This woman looks familiar. I think I’ve seen her somewhere before.”

Anonymous user 0694: “Me too. I think she looks familiar.”

Anonymous user 1457: “What? Have all of you seen her before? Could she be an actress?”

Anonymous user 0075: “@Admin, please verify if this live streamer has enlisted an actress to star in this live stream. This application is to satisfy some individuals’ kinks. It would be meaningless if the streamer used an actress for his video. We could just watch a movie on any online platform then. Why would we waste so much money and take such risks to watch this?”

Mr. Walter frantically read through the comments and felt a surge of panic. He hastily clarified, “She’s is not an actress. I swear on my life! If she turns out to be one, I’ll leave this community immediately! Besides, why on earth would I involve an actress in this? Some of you may not be familiar with me, but I assure you, I don’t lack money. There’s simply no reason for me to seek out an actress.”

After speaking, the viewers calmed down slightly. Soon after, someone in the audience urged him to expedite the process as there were already five hundred subscribers, and he could strip her naked.

Mr. Walter did not dare to leave the viewers waiting anymore. He held the camera in one hand and stripped Josephine’s clothes with the other. She was wearing multiple layers. Besides the puffer jacket, there was a sweater, and underneath it were a few more layers of clothing. Mr. Walter had no choice but to put down the camera. He supported Josephine and took off her Jacket first.

Josephine lay unconscious, her body limp in Mr. Walter’s grasp. As he tried to steady her, she slumped in his waiting arms. Her slightly furrowed brows were the only proof that she was still alive. With her vulnerable and defenseless appearance, she resembled a sitting duck on the screen, fueling impatience among the viewers of the live stream.

Mr. Walter knew how to get the crowd excited. He took a few minutes to remove her puffer jacket. After removing one layer of her clothing, he aimed the camera at Josephine’s face. He said, “Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. I’ll give you guys a close-up of her face. Isn’t she pretty?”

I already removed

user 0425: “Pants off

pretty. Where are you now? Send her to

If it were a legal platform, it would be a joke if someone were to call out three million dollars. But on this platform, bidding was commonly seen. If people saw someone they liked on the live

looked at that comment and laughed as he said, “Sorry, brother, I don’t

It would be more fun to have her to himself. Mr. Walter placed the camera back down, and in a snap,

0458: “Fuck! Can’t you just remove

the details of her delicate and soft skin. Mr. Walter was amazed. Although she was

Walter reached out to remove her


Because of her sudden episode, five hundred people left the live-streaming

heavy, and her feet felt weightless. Her body also felt cold. She became slightly sober after vomiting, but it was only for a little. Struggling to lift her head, she was confronted by a camera. While she recognized the object, her mind failed to process its

held the camera and asked,

confusion flickered in Josephine’s eyes. Perhaps due to

had left

no intention of dragging it out anymore, so with a determined stride, he advanced

to the couch.

managed to contact Lewis and tell him about this. Lewis walked toward the couch and sat down. He

save her.”

was stunned by his calm voice. He

Lewis walked toward the window. He looked at the full

he heard a loud thud, and

the video.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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