Chapter 211 Not Be a Burden

Quintin quickly turned his head and hastily wiped his tears away using his sleeve. He sniffled and forced a smile while saying, “Thank you, though. But this catastrophe happened because of me, so I won’t make excuses or shirk responsibility. It may be my father who did it, but it’s all on me. After all, he’s my father…”

His voice was tinged with a hint of irony as he said that. With that, he threw the lighter in his hand to the ground. Flames instantly appeared, spreading rapidly in all directions. In the next moment, the fire engulfed all the cages, turning the center of the shelter into a blazing


The firelight illuminated their faces, and the flames consumed the iron cages, swaying gracefully in the wind. Thick smoke billowed into the sky as if carrying the souls of those poor animals that died an unjust death into heaven.

The smell of gasoline permeated the air, mixed with a strong scent of burnt meat. The intense heat made Josephine all hot and sweaty, and Quintin noticed. He took her hand and led her into the shelter. They went to the second floor and stood there, looking down. Josephine suddenly realized that the sun had come out at some point, shining directly on their faces.

She tilted her head upward slightly. The sun didn’t give off any warmth, but it was glaringly bright. As the flames crackled below, Quintin stared at it fixedly, his gaze as intense as the fire. raging below. The sunlight shone on his eyes, yet it seemed to be blocked from within. He stared at the blazing fire without saying a word, lost in his own thoughts.

While Josephine was staring into space absentmindedly, Quintin suddenly spoke up, “I’ve been raising them for so many years, yet my father never found out. How did he suddenly discover this?”

Josephine was stunned for a moment. Lewis’ face flashed in her mind the moment she heard. Quintin’s words. She was also reminded of the way he looked at her in the movie theater earlier. “Could this be related to him somehow?” she wondered.

At that thought, Josephine’s stomach dropped. She didn’t even dare to look at Quintin anymore. If it was really Lewis pulling the strings behind the scenes, then she was the one who had brought this upon Quintin. It was she who had caused these innocent animals to lose. their lives.

Josephine grew restless. She fidgeted with her sleeves, her eyes fixed on the raging fire below. Looking at the lifeless bodies, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that Lewis had something to do with their deaths. His cold and unfeeling face kept appearing in her mind’s eye.

She lowered her head and fell silent, unable to understand why Lewis wouldn’t let her go even when they were divorced. Had she really done something that warranted such treatment from him? However, the missing gaps in her memory prevented her from recalling anything, and that was the most tragic part of it all.

The fire burned for a long time. It lasted for two hours until the sky became completely bright. Sunlight streamed through the clouds, and the flames on the ground gradually died down. After the blaze, only a pile of ashes and charred cages remained. Quintin silently got down and opened the cages to clear out the remnants inside.

word as they quietly cleaned up. The burned ground was just like

those poor animals on this earth. Those were the only traces proving

look at Josephine. “You have to go to work today, right?”

lips. She wasn’t sure whether she should tell him that she’d forgotten where she worked. Quintin threw the things in his hand aside,

I’ll drive you to work first. I can do the cleaning myself. I actually wanted to show you the puppies last night, but I didn’t

even now. After witnessing something so tragic and feeling unwell at the same time, she couldn’t sleep at all. With that, Josephine got into the car, and Quintin drove her to her

food. “You probably didn’t have dinner last night. You’re running

head and looked at the breakfast in her


Quintin had already started driving, so she gave up on that and started nibbling

but glance at Quintin. His face didn’t reveal much emotion. He had a smile the whole time when they went to the movies last night. However, when morning came, that smile had vanished completely. Thinking of those innocent dogs and how devastated Lewis must be, the food in her mouth


head to work. I’ll go back and clean up. If you need anything,

nodded. She held the unfinished breakfast in

rummaged through her bag, found her notebook, and flipped through it. Luckily,

Holding it in her hand, she headed for the elevator and went straight to the top floor.

whom Josephine

Josephine was puzzled, Yelena pointed to her hair and chin. Then, she said. jokingly, “You’re all dirty and unkempt. Did you oversleep and forget to clean up?”

gaze flitted across her face several times, but she still couldn’t remember who this person was. Worse off, there was no record

surmised that she must have forgotten who she was. With a slight smile, Josephine raised her hand

movements and suddenly widened her eyes. “You … You can’t speak?”

surprise. There were already quite a few people on this floor at that time. Upon hearing Yelena’s words, they all turned their heads and directed their attention to Josephine. As more and

a zoo.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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