Chapter 990

Elliot’s heart suffocated, and then he said sharply: “Avery! Stay where you are now! I’ll let the bodyguards pick you up and the child!”

If it wasn’t for her reminder, he never thought that Chelsea might escape to Avonsville.

The more dangerous the place, the safer it is.

Moreover, what Chelsea is thinking about now may not be to hide, but to pull a few backs before dying!

Although he still doesn’t know what happened at Layla’s school, the teacher asked the parents to take the child home, something very serious must have happened!

Avery’s heart was beating in shock by his reminder.

In the traffic, the red light goes out and the green light turns on. She was in a hurry to pick up Layla from school, so she couldn’t listen to him.

Avery made up her mind, “I should be fine. If Chelsea really came to trouble me, she wouldn’t necessarily be able to hurt me. I’m going to Layla’s school soon, I’ll go and bring Layla back first. “

worried about his daughter, so he

pay attention to


hanging up the phone, Avery stepped on the accelerator and continued to drive towards the

School, several police cars and an ambulance were parked outside the

got out of the car in a hurry,


child sick, or

don’t know! Wait for the school’s announcement! I’m afraid that my child will have a psychological

the parents of the third class have any inside information?” , our other classes also suspend, it’s really unlucky! I don’t know

of unlucky suspension of classes is! The

After talking,

in the third class of

Class 3. Maybe this little girl was Layla’s playmate. Even if she wasn’t a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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