Hayden heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Luisa was not a close family member of Aunt Tammy.

“Dance well, I believe you will have a better future.” Hayden politely rejected her.

Luisa was a smart person and understood Hayden’s implication.

“Hayden, do you not like my appearance and figure, or my profession? I don’t have to be a dancer.” Luisa made the last struggle.

“It’s not worth giving up your career for your family.” Hayden gave a loyal advice.

After a while, the waiter brought over two cups of coffee.

After the coffee was finished, Hayden checked the time and paid the bill.

When the two of them appeared in the church, Tammy and Avery didn’t know what they were talking about, and they laughed happily.

them coming back,

They returned so soon?

Were they dissatisfied?

dissatisfied with Hayden, or was Hayden dissatisfied with Luisa? Avery pondered in

that Hayden must be dissatisfied with


Hayden, Luisa was

even told Tammy that she was willing to give up her career for

coffee?” Avery took the lead to break the awkward situation, “Do you want to

Hayden gently reminded his

looked at Luisa with regret: “Luisa, let’s

you. But no need. I cooked at home, I can go back

would only feel awkward if the blind

Tammy immediately walked out of


truthfully, “Mom, don’t you think her

surprised: “Her voice…is it harsh? I think

felt goosebumps for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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