-Hazel: “Of course it makes sense. You can’t take out the bracelet because you don’t have the bracelet at all! Otherwise, why didn’t you give the table to Siena three years ago?”

Cyrus: “What are you struggling with?”

Hazel would focus on saying: “You didn’t pay the debt for Siena at all, you lied to her before!”

Cyrus sneered: “None of your business! So what if I lied to her! She’s already dead!”

Hazel: “You are so despicable! I never want to see you again!”

After Hazel finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to leave.

She didn’t expect Cyrus to admit it so quickly.

Cyrus realized that this matter might not be as simple as he thought, so he caught up with Hazel and grabbed her arm.

Cyrus: “Who the h-e-l-l are you? I’ve never heard Siena say that she has any good friends. Are you a liar?”

Hazel waved Cyrus’s hand away: “You are the liar! What did I lie to you? You were the one who lied to Siena from the beginning to the end!”

stared at Hazel’s face, fascinated: “You, you…you must be

replied to him with Cyrus’s words just now: “None of your

returned to the bedroom after sending

he pushed open the

appeared that robbers had ransacked

four-piece suit on his bed was taken off and

was also open, but the

the bedside table, opened the drawer, and took a look. The things inside had not


still there, which means

But Hazel did it.


room and glanced at the bare sofa. The sofa cover was not dry after washing, and now he could

sat down in the chair, intending to ask

resume before, and there should be contact

he saw Hazel’s message: I’m going out to do something, I’ll go back to your house right

and replied: Send me your mobile

willing to exchange cell

sending this message, Hazel sent her number

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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