Chapter 130

Then, everyone heard Bria’s words. “It’s your turn now, Aunt Jodie.”

On the stage, Bria smiled and looked at Jodie.

However, Jodie was looking at her blankly, still in shock. When she heard Bria call her, she could only stare blankly at her.

She looks confident, optimistic, and lively. She is nothing like she was in the Alston Residence. Moreover, what pitch was she singing in just now?

As Jodie counted inwardly, her face went pale when she realized the song’s pitch.

“Which song are you going to sing, Miss Alston?” One of the musicians asked as they were backstage.

Although they were asking Jodie, they were looking at Bria since they were amazed by her performance.

These musicians are men, so they should be looking at me. After all, men have always kept their eyes on me no matter where I went. However, a three-year-old has outshined me.

At that moment, Jodie was unhappy and shouted without thinking it through. “I’m going to sing the song with the highest note!”

When the musician heard her words, they were stunned. However, they soon found a song whose pitch was almost as high as Bria’s ending note. Then, they began playing their instruments while Jodie sang along. However, as she sang, she saw the expression of the crowd. Next, she heard a crooked voice surrounding the room. Whose voice is that? she thought. Only when she felt her throat hurt did she realize it was her voice! Her voice had cracked!

As soon as she realized this, she looked at the microphone in horror. Her mind was filled with the snarky comments and ignorance she had given Bria just moments before. I’m the humiliating one when I’ve been disgracing the other!

her mind went blank as she stood like a statue on the stage. She knew she should run off the stage and disappear from the public eye, but she didn’t even have the strength to do so.

to Julia on the stage. “Let’s sing together,

sung off-key. Since she was here to support Amelie and not trying to

she stepped on the stage

eyes on Bria,

away whenever she saw him or a stranger nearby. However, looking at her bold, confident, smiling daughter who loved to sing

he suddenly recalled that Amelie had told him that Bria was suffering and in agony when she was at Alston Residence. It was

ruined my own

felt like he was being slapped. He

the other hand, when Elyse saw Leo’s mixed expression, she was nervous and pinched herself underneath her

will come in contact with Amelie! Once

her mind went dizzy. She couldn’t think straight, nor could she stand calm and composed at this moment. However, she knew one thing for sure -she had to stop them from seeing each other!

in a low voice, “Bria is indeed talented. However, for a three-year-old child to sing such a difficult song is abusing her voice. Amelie is pushing her

person Leo was. Since Leo was responsible and would not neglect Bria, he would take his child away from Amelie if she indicated that Amelie was only using Bria for money. With the power that Leo held, Amelie was no match for him. Although Elyse would then become Bria’s stepmother, it would still be a better choice than letting Leo know that Amelie was Big Eyes!

singing on stage like he was being captivated. Toby, on the other hand, smirked coldly and said, “I wonder how you can tell that

his words, Elyse was frustrated. Damn it! He always messes up my plan!

anything to rebuke him, she held back her

it out if she

and saw that it was Ashton. He tilted

she wished she could, she was satisfied. Then, she pursed her lips and suppressed her excitement as she

do anything to have money, Amelie doesn’t deserve to be a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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