Chapter 80 I’m Not Good Enough for Her

To be honest, Toby hated being in the same space as these two people. One of them was pretentious, while the other was stupid, so he didn’t like to be with them at all. If it was not because Amelie didn’t let him tell the truth, he really wanted to spill the fact that Foxy was Amelie to them.

“Amelie is clear about her friends and foes, and she has a bottom line for everything. She wouldn’t hate someone because she couldn’t get the love she wanted, and she wouldn’t go against a person without a solid reason. If she does that, the person needs to think about whether he has done anything outrageous.” When he said that, his eyes landed on Elyse for a second.

His expression was calm, and he spoke casually without looking serious, but that glance was like a spotlight, boring into the darkest side of Elyse.

His look made her heart pound, and she tried very hard to keep her poker face on.

“Do you have feelings for Amelie, Toby? Why do you keep sticking up for her?!” an enraged Ashton bellowed.

Feelings for Amelie? Toby didn’t deny it right away but put on a wry smile. “Even if I have feelings for her, I’m not good enough for her.”

“You’re insane!” Ashton had no idea about Amelie’s identity, so he rolled his eyes at Toby when he heard that.

“Leo, Mr. Steward’s matter can’t be rushed. Why don’t we enjoy ourselves for two days and figure out a way after we have enough rest?” Elyse spoke softly while grabbing Leo’s hand.

“Okay.” Only after some time did Leo nod and agree.

On the next day, the sky was clear. Amelie had gone to the golf course with Owen in the early morning.

Owen was in a gray golf attire. Although he was in his forties, he was still energetic. Even his gray hair was shining in the sunlight.

On the other hand, Amelie was wearing off-white golf attire. The design of her shirt was slightly conservative, and it fitted perfectly on her body. The half-sleeve showed a section of her smooth and thin arm, while her legs seemed long with her pants wrapping around her legs. Not only that, her hair was tied up in a ponytail, displaying her energy and youthfulness.

Owen looked at her with an appreciative look. “Young people are really something else. Full of youthfulness.”

“You’re youthful too! And handsome.” She gave him the thumbs up. Their relationship was like friends and also like that of father and daughter, having good chemistry when they interacted with each other.

features when

time together. After a few turns, they saw two people

them, her brows knitted together, and the smile on

blue sportswear, displaying his perfect figure completely. His face was so calm without any expression, which made

crop top and short pants, which showed her slender legs and a section of her waist. Her hair

at them,

stood still without moving an inch

special permission to meet him yesterday, and she’s already playing golf with him today. Who

she wanted to ask Leo, he had already taken a step forward and walked over. “Nice to meet you,

courtesy, greeting Owen was a necessity

Elyse Clayton.” She wanted to introduce more

this moment, Owen landed a calm gaze on them. “Leo


around and looked at Amelie. “So, you two

with a poker face. She simply used the word

furrowed, and he suddenly felt strange. We’ve at least been husband and

he said, “Well, fate brought us together today. Mr. Alston is our guest for traveling here.

him in confusion. Is he trying to be Leo’s

Alston can play too. Why not play a few rounds with Amelie?”

stunned. Is he suddenly asking Amelie to

like they have a special relationship. Could it be that the

on the president of Starlight Media. That man is so mysterious. It won’t

was not much fluctuation in his voice, and it was

on Owen’s mind, so she couldn’t say much either. In the end, she gestured at Leo. “After you, Mr. Alston.” Her tone was

Leo knitted his brows again and left

Although she was a little annoyed, she knew that she finally had a chance to talk to Owen, so she blurted, “Mr. Steward, why don’t we have a cup of tea in a shady place while watching

place with a pleasant view, from which

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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