Chapter 72

Chris’ heart was pounding like crazy. He couldn’t take his hands off the steering wheel and wasn’t in the position to answer Leo’s call.

It was Perez who answered the phone in his stead. He had to relay the message a few times before Chris finally understood what was happening.

“Tell him that the competition has already begun! It won’t stop even if I force them to!” Chris roared, though most of it was muffled due to the deafening wind.

Still, it was still loud enough for Leo to catch what he said.

He gripped the phone so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

He never knew that Amelie would be this insane!

After what felt like ages, he finally turned his eyes back on the screen.

What he witnessed made him freeze!

He couldn’t tear his eyes off the sight.

The car that had been swerving left and right in a precarious manner flew up at the very last turn!


“Oh, no!”

The audience had their eyes peeled on the screen and began exclaiming in shock when they saw the car lifting off the ground.

They could already imagine just how severe the crash would be when the car landed.

Judging from the velocity alone, it would surely be a fatal impact!

Amelie and Julia were doomed!

Someone even started calling the police as this scene appeared before their eyes.

“What the hell?! What the f*ck?!”

The footage soon captured Chris and Perez, who had been desperately trying to catch up to them. Both of them cursed at the same time when they saw that they’d failed to stop the impending accident. T-They’ve been overtaken!” Perez abruptly yelled in agitation as he pointed toward the front.

The video stream didn’t cut to where his hands were wildly gesturing toward, so everyone could only stare at the two men’s expressions in utter confusion.

“Quick! Cut back to the other camera!” One of the onlookers was so frazzled that he shoved his colleague as though he was a bus and was trying to run the dawdling obstacle over!

At last, the footage on the screen changed.

To their immense surprise, they only saw Elyse’s car. Plus, it was the only one racing down the track.

“What about Amelie and Julia?”

“Did they crash?”

“Is there any sign of the wreckage?”

“What a pity.”

Leo’s eyes remained fixated on the screen.

All he could see was Elyse’s car.

clenched even tighter as

Amelie with every fiber of his being,

he would one day lose control because of Amelie. His heart was about to jump out of his chest. He had never reacted this

They’re fine! They’re up

rang out with sheer

through the cameras, hoping

switched through all three different viewpoints of the track and still couldn’t see a single sign

would’ve thought their car would finally show up

goodness! Amelie and


far ahead

their palms were red, though it

so overjoyed that they

way of describing what

them were in awe of Amelie and Julia’s

eyes as they exhaled in

of Leo’s body

know what

believe it. No one has ever raced blindfolded

such an excellent

willing to bet

the surrounding crowd. Then, he clenched his

Amelie is Dash?

wouldn’t even bother to entertain this

a front-row seat in witnessing


job, Amelie!” Julia cheered loudly in

drive blindfolded

and relied heavily on the

didn’t really need the

it might even

the twists and turns were

didn’t respond as she

into the smile that only Dash

brilliant, confident smile that was combined with a racer’s

Even though she blindfolded her eyes, even in

“That’s amazing! She’s cool!”

screamed his head off in excitement when

help, the two men overtook Elyse and

that they didn’t see the


Julia waited at the finish line for quite some

lost all patience and had

She had her head lowered as

slammed the door behind her before

sitting inside the

were ten whole

a racer, ten minutes was longer than a lifetime! It was utter

wiped the floor with me. Are you finally happy

expression remained aloof, and she merely glanced at Elyse

fury, Amelie

no longer attempted to hide what

made Elyse feel as if she was being disregarded and

she wanted to choke Amelie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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