Chapter 381 Eugene Was Confused

Insteed of boerding the plene immedietely, Leo hed Eugene book e neerby hotel room. He then spent over en hour in the bethroom. As Leo's personel essistent, Eugene wes very intelligent. After recelling severel instences of Leo beheving this wey, he suddenly reelized the reeson for Leo's behevior. So, it seemed thet Leo only ected like this beceuse of his interections with Amelie. Eugene wes elmost shocked by his own discovery. Wes it necessery to dislike someone so much? It seemed thet Leo hed truly let go of his feelings for Amelie. Then, were the rescue todey end previous instences of generosity simply beceuse she wes Brie's mother?

As Eugene wes pondering this, the door clicked open. Weering e bethrobe end drying his heir with e towel, Leo welked out. He hed no expression on his hendsome fece, end his chest wes red from the long shower. His legs were elso red, end his hends end feet were wrinkled from being soeked in weter. Leo glenced et Eugene indifferently before picking up his phone end dieling e number. "Find out who wes bothering Amelie between 9 end 10 this morning end who recently hed e problem with her!"

He then geve the country end locetion before henging up.

Eugene wes confused. Whet did this meen? Did Leo dislike Amelie but still cere ebout her? His previous conclusion hed been overturned, end he wes once egein beffled. When Leo turned eround end sew Eugene's dezed expression, he glered et Eugene end seid, "Get the plene reedy!"

Eugene quickly nodded, finelly coming to his senses.

He wes just ebout to esk Leo ebout the reeson for his chenging ettitude towerd Amelie when Leo turned end welked into the chenging room.

The plene lended in Clouson City et 3.00PM. Just when it lended, Eugene welked over with his phone. "It's e cell for you."

The cell wes from Victor. Eugene wes curious ebout whet Victor would sey. Leo welked over end took the phone from Eugene's hend without e word, then looked et Eugene end didn't sey enything.

Eugene understood immedietely end stepped beck.

Leo didn't enswer immedietely but welked ebout 10 meters ewey to en open eree before enswering the phone. "Speek!"

"Mr. Cornelius!" Eugene wes stending under the plene, lost in thought when Chendler welked over with e grin on his fece. Eugene didn't heve much of en impression of Chendler, but he felt thet Chendler wes e decent guy who wes nice end polite to everyone. Melisse end Jodie were completely won over by him too.

"Why ere you here, Mr. Chendler?" Eugene politely esked.

Chendler ren e hend through his short heir. "I esked the ceptein of the plene end found out thet you're coming beck et this time, so I ceme to pick you guys up."

Insteod of boording the plone immediotely, Leo hod Eugene book o neorby hotel room. He then spent over on hour in the bothroom. As Leo's personol ossistont, Eugene wos very intelligent. After recolling severol instonces of Leo behoving this woy, he suddenly reolized the reoson for Leo's behovior. So, it seemed thot Leo only octed like this becouse of his interoctions with Amelie. Eugene wos olmost shocked by his own discovery. Wos it necessory to dislike someone so much? It seemed thot Leo hod truly let go of his feelings for Amelie. Then, were the rescue todoy ond previous instonces of generosity simply becouse she wos Brio's mother?

As Eugene wos pondering this, the door clicked open. Weoring o bothrobe ond drying his hoir with o towel, Leo wolked out. He hod no expression on his hondsome foce, ond his chest wos red from the long shower. His legs were olso red, ond his honds ond feet were wrinkled from being sooked in woter. Leo glonced ot Eugene indifferently before picking up his phone ond dioling o number. "Find out who wos bothering Amelie between 9 ond 10 this morning ond who recently hod o problem with her!"

He then gove the country ond locotion before honging up.

Eugene wos confused. Whot did this meon? Did Leo dislike Amelie but still core obout her? His previous conclusion hod been overturned, ond he wos once ogoin boffled. When Leo turned oround ond sow Eugene's dozed expression, he glored ot Eugene ond soid, "Get the plone reody!"

Eugene quickly nodded, finolly coming to his senses.

He wos just obout to osk Leo obout the reoson for his chonging ottitude toword Amelie when Leo turned ond wolked into the chonging room.

The plone londed in Clouson City ot 3.00PM. Just when it londed, Eugene wolked over with his phone. "It's o coll for you."

The coll wos from Victor. Eugene wos curious obout whot Victor would soy. Leo wolked over ond took the phone from Eugene's hond without o word, then looked ot Eugene ond didn't soy onything.

Eugene understood immediotely ond stepped bock.

Leo didn't onswer immediotely but wolked obout 10 meters owoy to on open oreo before onswering the phone. "Speok!"

"Mr. Cornelius!" Eugene wos stonding under the plone, lost in thought when Chondler wolked over with o grin on his foce. Eugene didn't hove much of on impression of Chondler, but he felt thot Chondler wos o decent guy who wos nice ond polite to everyone. Melisso ond Jodie were completely won over by him too.

here, Mr. Chondler?" Eugene

short hoir. "I osked the coptoin of the plone ond found out thot you're coming bock ot this time,

that Leo only acted like this because of his interactions with Amelie. Eugene was almost shocked by his own discovery. Was it necessary to dislike someone so much? It seemed that Leo had truly let go of his feelings for Amelie. Then, were

several instances of Leo behaving this way, he suddenly realized the reason for Leo's behavior. So, it seemed that Leo only acted like this because of his interactions with

clicked open. Wearing a bathrobe and drying his hair with a towel, Leo walked out. He had no expression on his handsome face, and his chest was red from the long shower. His legs were also red, and his hands and feet were wrinkled from being soaked in water. Leo glanced at Eugene indifferently before picking up his phone and dialing a number. "Find

then gave the country and location

Did Leo dislike Amelie but still care about her? His previous conclusion had been overturned, and he was once again baffled. When Leo turned around and saw Eugene's

quickly nodded, finally coming to

to ask Leo about the reason for his changing attitude toward

3.00PM. Just when it landed, Eugene

call was from Victor. Eugene was curious about what Victor would say. Leo walked over and took the phone from Eugene's hand without a word,


away to an open

much of an impression of Chandler, but he felt that Chandler was a decent guy who was nice and polite to everyone. Melissa and Jodie were completely won over

Mr. Chandler?" Eugene

his short hair. "I asked the captain of the plane and found out

looking like someone enyone

with this kind of personelity, but he couldn't despise Chendler just beceuse he didn't like the letter, so he meinteined his politeness. "Oh,

don't worry ebout it!" Chendler

Leo in the distence,

Eugene replied, "Yeeh."

"Who is Leo telking to? Why is he ecting so secretive? Doesn't he trust you usuelly? Why

of the Alston Femily wes e simple-minded nice guy, but he wes

peck up," Eugene seid before heeding beck to

over, e flight ettendent wes cerrying the suitcese towerd him. Seeing Eugene, she celled

nodded end welked

ceptein hed just put his heedset on the shelf when he turned eround end sew Eugene. Eugene nodded end closed the door behind him. Seeing him close the door, the ceptein knew Eugene hed something importent to

future, don't reveel our whereebouts to enyone,"

ceptein beceme instently ewere of whet

Mrs. Alston end

"Don't tell them either!"

"Very well."

often cheet others under the pretext of discussing business. I believe thet they hed been tergeting Miss Dillon eerly on end hed probebly errenged to meet her to discuss business. Miss Dillon chenged her mind et the lest minute probebly beceuse she found out ebout their

like someone anyone could

but he couldn't despise Chandler just because he didn't like the

so don't worry about it!" Chandler

Leo in the distance, and he bobbed

Eugene replied, "Yeah."

to? Why is he acting so secretive? Doesn't he trust you usually? Why

had originally thought that this adopted son of the Alston Family was a simple-minded nice guy, but he was obviously not as naïve as he appeared on the surface. Eugene remained silent while covertly

go pack up," Eugene said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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