Chapter 6

accepted it without question. But it went to Margaret, and shouldn’t I at least be allowed to ask why?


the first time Bryant saw the sharp side of me, his lips pressed in a thin line. “Jane, are you angry about this?”

“Shouldn’t I be?” I asked him back.

In front of others, I could pretend everything was fine, putting on a generous façade. But in front of my husband, wasn’t our marriage a failure if I still needed to hide my feelings?

“Silly, aren’t you?” He grabbed the remote, turned the glass from clear to frosted, and pulled me into his arms. “The Ferguson Group is all yours. Why care about one position?” “The Ferguson Group is yours, not mine.” I retorted.

I could only cling to this little piece of land before me.

He lifted my chin, looking stern. “We’re husband and wife. Whatever is mine is yours.”

“Then how about transferring some shares to me?” I joked. I watched him closely, not wanting to miss any hint of his reaction. Surprisingly, there was none.

raised an eyebrow,

I said, “Ten percent.”

that would be asking for

its business empire several

to agree. It was just a random figure I

“Okay,” he said.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

without a second’s hesitation.

my arms looped around his neck and a playful smile on my lips, I looked into

met mine. “It’s for you, my wife,

that moment, I had to admit that money was a powerful way to show loyalty. The tension I had been holding

prove a poin

teased, “What about Margaret, though? Would

before giving a firm answer,

“Really?” I doubted it.

embrace, his voice cold and steady, “The share transfer agreement, I’ll have Kevin send it to you this afternoon. From now on, you’re one of the bosses at

asked, my mood significantly lifted,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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